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HBO Treatment Emerging Indications

HBO Treatment Emerging Indications

HBO Treatment Emerging Indications



The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) has approved hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) as a treatment for 15 conditions. Due to its effects on hypoxia and inflammation, HBOT could potentially benefit many other medical conditions. However, gathering outcome data on new indications has been limited by the long course of HBOT treatment (20-40 treatments) and the limited patient capacity of most centers, often resulting in only case reports or small case series to support its use. To address this, The International Registry for Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment was formed in 2011 with the goal of improving HBOT use through evidence-based medicine by collecting consistent outcome data from multiple centers. [1][2]

This topic provides an overview of most common non-UHMS approved indications based on data collected through the International Registry for Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment (Registry) and published studies.



  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT): hyperbaric oxygen is a medical procedure requiring a physician’s prescription and oversight. All patients must have their entire body placed within a hard sided hyperbaric chamber that meets the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy (ASME-PVHO-1) code, and the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA 99) code and standards for hyperbaric chambers, at a pressure of not less than 2.0 ATA (202.65 KPa) while breathing physician prescribed medical grade oxygen for an amount of time that is typically between 90-120 minutes per treatment. Medical grade oxygen (>99.0% oxygen purity) is the only acceptable gas that should be used for therapeutic delivery of hyperbaric oxygen. [1]
  • HBOT emerging indication: an emerging indication for HBOT refers to a medical condition or therapeutic application that is currently being investigated for potential benefits, but has not yet received formal approval or endorsement from recognized authorities like the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS). Although these potential uses are supported by preliminary clinical evidence and biological plausibility, further research and consensus are required before they can be considered standard treatment indications. [1][2]


  • HBOT is utilized across multiple medical specialties for a wide range of conditions, particularly those in which hypoxia and inflammation play a significant role. Due to its oxygenation-enhancing and anti-inflammatory properties, HBOT has the potential to be beneficial for emerging indications. [2]
  • Current evidence suggests that HBOT may be beneficial as an adjunctive therapy in the management of conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease and pyoderma. Additionally, it may be considered a primary treatment option for conditions including frostbite, long COVID, traumatic brain injury, and others (See Figure 1). [2]
  • As of May 2024, data was actively being entered into the Registry by a total of 32 sites. A total of 378 cases were recorded as having diagnoses not currently UHMS approved and receiving at least 1 HBOT session (See Figure 1) [2]:
    • One center had an interest in long COVID, also known as post-COVID condition (PCC) and contributed 141 (94.6%) out of 149 cases for that indication. 
    • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and related conditions accounted for 25.1% (95/378) of cases treated, with ulcerative colitis (UC) being the most common condition (n=47, 12.4%), followed closely by Crohn disease (n=40, 10.6%). 
    • Aside from long COVID and IBD, calciphylaxis (n=20, 5.3%), frostbite (n=18, 4.8%), and peripheral vascular disease ulcers (n=12, 3.2%) each had ≥10 cases.
    • There were 23 diagnoses with only a single case. 
    • Notably, cases of osteonecrosis and avascular necrosis had been documented in the Registry prior to the inclusion of this indication as an UHMS-approved indication in the 15th edition of the UHMS Hyperbaric Medicine Indications Manual.

Figure 1.  Non-UHMS-approved indications for which HBOT was administered at 32 sites participating in the International Registry for Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment as of May 2024 [2]


  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) consists of chronic immune-mediated conditions, characterized by relapsing and remitting intestinal inflammation. While the precise etiology of IBD remains unclear, it is believed that a combination of genetic predisposition, environmental factors, alterations in the gut microbiome, and dysregulated immune responses contribute to gastrointestinal inflammation. [3]
  • The pathological hallmark of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is chronic, uncontrolled inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, leading to both gastrointestinal and extra-gastrointestinal manifestations specific to IBD. [4]
  • IBD often presents as extraintestinal manifestations (EIMs).  Common EIMs affect the musculoskeletal system (such as peripheral and axial arthritis), skin (including pyoderma gangrenosum, erythema nodosum), hepatobiliary tract, and eyes (episcleritis, anterior uveitis, and iritis).

Ulcerative Colitis


  • UC primarily affects the colon, causing inflammation limited to the mucosal layer. The main gastrointestinal symptoms that patients with UC experience most often are visible blood in the stools, diarrhea, rectal urgency, and tenesmus. The pattern of disease activity is most often described as relapsing (flares) and remitting, with symptoms of active disease alternating with periods of clinical quiescence, which is called remission. Some patients with UC have persistent disease activity despite diagnosis and medical therapy, and a small number of patients present with the rapid-onset progressive type of colitis known as fulminant disease.  [5]
      • CD can affect any part of the digestive tract, from the mouth to the anus, and often involves deeper layers beyond the mucosa (transmural inflammation). Patients with CD experience chronic diarrhea as the most common onset symptom in ileocolonic CD, followed by abdominal pain and weight loss. A significant percentage of patients (up to 20%) with Crohn’s disease present complications such as strictures or fistulas at the time of diagnosis.  [6]
        • A perianal fistula is a channel that develops between the lower rectum, anal canal and perianal or perineal skin.  [7]
        • The development of perianal fistulas typically connotes a more aggressive disease phenotype and may warrant escalation of treatment to prevent poor outcomes over time.
        • Patients with refractory anal fistula often present with complaints of pain, continuous rectal drainage of fecal matter as well as malodorous discharge.
        • Due to the fistula anatomy, debris can form inside these tracts and cause occlusion, which subsequently leads to abscess formation, fever and malaise.
    • IBD often presents as extraintestinal manifestations (EIMs).  Common EIMs affect the musculoskeletal system (such as peripheral and axial arthritis), skin (including pyoderma gangrenosum, erythema nodosum), hepatobiliary tract, and eyes (episcleritis, anterior uveitis, and iritis).
Diagnosis Ulcerative colitis is diagnosed through a combination of clinical symptoms, endoscopic findings, histology, stool assessments, and the exclusion of alternative diagnoses. Endoscopy with biopsies remains the definitive method for confirming the diagnosis. [5]

The primary goal of treatment is to induce and maintain remission, with long-term objectives of preventing disability, colectomy, and colorectal cancer. Treatment is tailored based on disease severity and extent [5]:

  • For mild to moderate disease: first-line therapy involves 5-ASA drugs, administered via suppositories, enemas, or oral formulations.
    • Non-responders to 5-ASA: corticosteroids are used for patients who do not achieve remission with 5-ASA therapy.
  • For moderate to severe disease: thiopurines, biologics, or a combination of both are recommended.
  • Surgical Indications: surgery is required for absolute indications such as uncontrolled hemorrhage, perforation, colorectal carcinoma, or dysplastic lesions that cannot be removed endoscopically. It is also indicated in cases of refractory acute severe colitis or disease unresponsive to medical therapy.
    • Surgical complications: sometimes it is necessary to remove the ulcerated colon as a treatment for ulcerative colitis.  This surgery creates a pouch in place of the rectal colon often known as an “S” or “J” pouch just above the anus where the ileum is reconnected.  The pouch holds waste prior to elimination.[8]
    • Pouchitis happens when the pouch becomes inflamed. It is the most common complication after restorative proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis for UC.
Potential HBOT benefits

HBOT may be beneficial for [1] :

  • Management of UC flares: when patient is at risk for colectomy or cannot receive steroids or biologic agents or where there is a delay in being able to start those agents
  • For patients who need a bridge between when intravenous (IV) steroids are begun and when biologic agents (infliximab) start to have an effect
  • Refractory pouchitis: studies have shown improvement of chronic, antibiotic-refractory pouchitis. 
Published protocols
  • For ulcerative colitis (UC) flares: a randomized controlled trial (n=20) evaluated the effects of 5 HBOT sessions at 2.4 ATA.[9][10]
  • For pouchitis: two case series examined the outcomes of 30 HBOT sessions at pressures ranging from 2.4 to 3.0 ATA. [11]

For patients at risk of undergoing irreversible procedures such as colectomy, adjunctive HBOT offers a promising alternative to reduce morbidity. Potential applications of HBOT in IBD and related conditions include acute UC flares, persistent or treatment-refractory fistulizing Crohn’s disease, pyoderma gangrenosum, pouchitis, and luminal Crohn’s disease. Ongoing research continues to expand the evidence base in this area. [2][9][10][11][12][13]

Outcomes Tracking

  • To evaluate HBOT’s efficacy, the following parameters have been monitored:
    • UC: HBOT has been shown to improve quality of life and significantly reduce stool frequency, pain, blood in stool, and urgency. [9][10]
    • Pouchitis: HBOT has demonstrated a reduction in pouch disease activity scores and achieved endoscopic complete remission. [11]

Crohn's Disease

  • Crohn's Disease (CD) can affect any part of the digestive tract, from the mouth to the anus, and often involves deeper layers beyond the mucosa (transmural inflammation). Patients with CD experience chronic diarrhea as the most common onset symptom in ileocolonic CD, followed by abdominal pain and weight loss. A significant percentage of patients (up to 20%) with Crohn’s disease present complications such as strictures or fistulas at the time of diagnosis.  [6]
    • A perianal fistula is a channel that develops between the lower rectum, anal canal and perianal or perineal skin.  [7]
    • The development of perianal fistulas typically connotes a more aggressive disease phenotype and may warrant escalation of treatment to prevent poor outcomes over time
    • Patients with refractory anal fistula often present with complaints of pain, continuous rectal drainage of fecal matter as well as malodorous discharge.
    • Due to the fistula anatomy, debris can form inside these tracts and cause occlusion, which subsequently leads to abscess formation, fever and malaise.
  • Patients with CD frequently experience symptoms for several years before receiving an accurate diagnosis.  [6]
  • Tissue biopsy and histologic evidence is required for a CD diagnosis given the costs and risks of biologic therapy.  [6]

Management of CD depends on several factors, including disease severity, patient risk stratification, clinical characteristics such as age at onset, the presence of penetrating complications, and patient preferences. Treatment strategies typically involve a combination of corticosteroids, monoclonal antibody therapies, immunomodulators, and surgical intervention when necessary.  [6]

  • Pharmacologic Therapy  [6]:
    • Medical therapies for the management of CD work by suppressing an overly active intestinal immune system.
    • Treatment consists of 2 phases: induction and maintenance.
      • Induction involves a higher dose of a steroid-sparing medication during the initial weeks to months of therapy to rapidly induce clinical remission. Steroids may be used during the induction phase of treatment to achieve symptom control.
      • Maintenance therapy involves using a lower dose of a steroid-sparing medication for the remainder of the patient’s life to keep a patient in remission and prevent disease flares.
    • Steroid-sparing medications: include biologics medications (e.g. antibodies to TNF-α, IL-12/23, and integrin α4β7) and immunomodulators (e.g. azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine, and methotrexate),
    • Combination therapy: biologics and immunomodulators are frequently used in combination. Combination therapy has been shown to improve outcomes, particularly in patients with moderate-to-severe disease.
    • Adverse Effects: adverse reactions to therapy include antibody formation and infusion reactions, infections, and cancers associated with immune modulators and biologics and toxicity to the bone marrow and the liver. Both CD and corticosteroid use are associated with osteoporosis.
  • Surgical Management  [6]
    • While effective inflammation control can lower the likelihood of penetrating complications, such as intra-abdominal abscesses and fistulae, more than half of patients will eventually experience complications necessitating surgical intervention. 
Potential HBOT benefits

HBOT may be beneficial for  [1]

  • Refractory fistulizing perineal CD. [12]  
  • Metastatic CD, a rare manifestation of CD. It involves inflammatory skin lesions with histopathological findings (granulomas) similar to CD, without connection to the gastrointestinal tract. [13]
Published Protocols
  • Therapy-refractory perianal fistulas: a case series (n=20) investigated the effects of 40 HBOT sessions at 2.4 ATA. [12]  
  • Metastatic CD: a case series (n=13) investigated the effects of 40 HBOT sessions at 2.4 ATA. [13]

Potential applications of HBOT in IBD and related conditions include acute UC flares, persistent or treatment-refractory fistulizing Crohn’s disease, pyoderma gangrenosum, pouchitis, and luminal Crohn’s disease. Ongoing research continues to expand the evidence base in this area.  [2][9][10][11][12][13]

Outcomes Tracking

  • To evaluate HBOT’s efficacy, the following parameters have been monitored:
    • For patients with CD, HBOT has been shown to improve quality of life and reduced fistula drainage. [12][13]


  • Calciphylaxis (also known as calcific uremic ateriolopathy) is a dermatologic condition resulting from small vessel calcification leading to severely painful skin ulcerations that may become chronic or gangrenous, or infected.  Calciphylaxis is associated with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) and appears to be more common in females. The reported incidence among dialysis patients is 1-4 % but seems to be  increasing. The reported mortality is 60-80%, mostly as a result of wound infection/sepsis. Central lesions have a reportedly higher mortality rate. [14][15][16] 
  • Clinical manifestations  [8]
    • Calciphylaxis presents as painful ulcerations (livedo reticularis, reticulate purpura, violaceous plaques, or indurated nodules) on the skin that may become chronic and gangrenous. The clinical manifestation is a result of calcium deposition in the intima media of dermal and subcutaneous arterioles. The affected dermal tissue becomes fibrotic and hypovascular. Calciphylaxis is more commonly seen on the lower extremities but can occur anywhere on the skin. 
  • The diagnosis is clinical but a biopsy is recommended to confirm diagnosis.
  • Treatment modalities for calciphylaxis include:
    • Discontinuation of oral calcium supplements
    • Serum phosphorus binders (to lower serum phosphorus levels
    • Decreased dialysate calcium concentrations
    • Parathyroidectomy
    • Sodium thiosulfate given during dialysis
    • HBOT
Potential HBOT benefits
  • HBOT for calciphylaxis may be beneficial for:
    • Elevation of tissue oxygen levels in hypoxic tissue
    • Increased angiogenic growth factors (VEGF, bFGF, etc.), leading to angiogenesis
    • Recruitment of hemangioblasts to aid in vasculogenesis
    • Increased collagen deposition via improved fibroblast function.
Published protocols
  • Calciphylaxis treatment with HBOT and sodium thiosulfate seem to have additive results.
  • The UHMS Indications Manual recommends administering HBOT at 2.0-2.5 ATA for 90-120 minutes, once or twice daily, 5-7 days per week. A minimum of 20 treatments is suggested, with a utilization review conducted after 30 treatments. [8]

HBOT has shown potential as a second-line therapy for calciphylaxis, with improved wound scores, along with a possible reduction in mortality rates. Despite limited randomized controlled trials, HBOT has been utilized in appropriately selected cases, though access barriers such as claustrophobia, treatment availability, and cost may limit its  use. [17] [18] [16] See 'Summary of Evidence' in the Appendix.

Outcomes Tracking

The following parameters are monitored to evaluate HBOT's efficacy in calciphylaxis:

  • Reduction in pain
  • Improvement in wound scores
  • Wound resolution


  • Arterial ulcers are a type of wound that occurs due to arterial insufficiency chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI), often associated with conditions like peripheral artery disease. See topic " Arterial Ulcer - Introduction and Assessment".
  • Clinical Manifestations:
    • Arterial ulcers typically present as painful, well-defined wounds with a punched-out appearance.
    • They are often located on the lower extremities, particularly on the toes, feet, and areas subjected to pressure or trauma.
    • The surrounding skin may appear shiny, thin, and hairless, with a cool temperature due to poor blood flow.
    • There may be signs of dry gangrene in severe cases.
  • Diagnosis involves a thorough history and physical examination to identify signs of arterial insufficiency.
  • Objective noninvasive arterial tests are recommended, such as Doppler arterial waveform, toe pressure, and toe brachial index. These tests help determine the ulcer's healing potential and support the diagnosis.
  • Proper documentation includes the number and position of ulcers, wound measurements, description of the wound edge, peri-wound area, wound base quality, drainage type and amount, signs of infection, and history of debridement.
  • Treatment includes both non-surgical and surgical approaches. See topic " Arterial Ulcer - Treatment".
    • Non-surgical treatment involves wound care, including appropriate dressings and topical agents, and managing underlying conditions like diabetes or peripheral artery disease.
    • Surgical treatment focuses on revascularization procedures to restore blood flow and improve healing.
  • A significant number of patients are not suitable candidates for revascularization. Without this intervention, only 40-50% of arterial ulcers heal, and the risk of amputation rises to 25-40%. [8]
Potential HBOT benefits
  • HBOT may be beneficial for:
    • Arterial Ulcers
      • For patients with nonreconstructable vascular anatomy or ulcers that fail to heal despite revascularization and whose hypoxia is reversible by HBOT, clinicians might opt for adjunctive HBOT to promote wound healing. [2][19][20]
      • Many emerging indications for HBOT share a common underlying issue: tissue hypoxia. Just as HBOT is effective in treating acute arterial insufficiency, it may also support the healing of chronic ulcers associated with peripheral arterial disease. 
      • HBOT exerts both local and systemic effects. Locally, it stimulates the production of various growth factors, including nitric oxide, which promotes tissue repair. Systemically, HBOT induces the release of nitric oxide products from the bone marrow and triggers the mobilization of progenitor stem cells. These combined effects lead to neovascularization in hypoxic tissues, such as non-healing arterial ulcers. [8]
    • CLTI
      • For patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI) who do not respond to revascularization, low certainty evidence shows that repetitive, stand-alone HBOT may help prevent major adverse events and amputation. [20]
    • Diabetic foot ulcers and peripheral artery disease (PAD)
      • For patients with diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) and PAD classified as Wagner grade 3 or higher, HBOT is recommended as an adjunct to standard therapy if wounds fail to improve after at least 30 days of treatment. In other cases where DFUs and PAD are unresponsive to standard care and demonstrate good transcutaneous oxygen values in response to 100% oxygen, HBOT may be considered to promote healing and reduce amputation risk. For further details, see " Diabetic Foot Ulcer - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy" and " Diabetic Foot Ulcer - Treatment".
Published protocols
  • For patients with arterial ulcers that fail to heal despite standard wound care - including revascularization - or for those deemed unsuitable candidates for revascularization by vascular surgery, HBOT has been used at 2-2.5 ATA for 90 to 120 minutes, once or twice daily, 5-7 days per week. When using a monoplace chamber, in-chamber transcutaneous oxygen (TcPO2) monitoring can help guide treatment pressure, aiming to achieve therapeutic TcPO2 levels. Additionally, in-chamber TcPO2 can identify patients unable to reach adequate TcPO2 levels predictive of healing, even at maximum treatment pressures. [8]
  • Utilization review should be undertaken after the initial 30 treatments have been completed and at least that frequently thereafter.  [8]
  • For patients with CLTI who do not respond to revascularization: 2.8 ATM for 60 min per session, repeated for 6 days per week until pain at rest or the foot ulcer improved was associated with major adverse events-free survival (OR: 0.05; 95% CI: 0.01-0.26; p <0.001) and limb salvage (OR: 0.04; 95% CI: 0.004-0.32; p =0.003) in patients with CLTI.  [20]

Adjunctive HBOT appears to be effective for for patients with arterial ulcers and nonreconstructable vascular anatomy or ulcers that fail to heal despite revascularization, whose hypoxia is reversible by HBOT. [8] See ' Summary of Evidence' in the Appendix.

Outcomes Tracking

The following parameters have been monitored to evaluate HBOT's efficacy for management of arterial ulcers  [2]:
  • Wound healing
  • Lower extremity amputation


  • Long Covid or post-COVID-19 condition as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) is “the continuation or development of new symptoms 3 months after the initial SARS-CoV-2 infection, with these symptoms lasting for at least 2 months with no other explanation”.  [21][22]
    • Clinical manifestations:  The condition is quite common and may affect as many as 10-20% of those that are acutely infected with SARS-CoV-2.  This incidence is declining with the development of vaccines and alterations in viral strain. The symptoms are varied and include fatigue, headache, cognitive impairment and dyspnea. [21]
Diagnosis Diagnosis is clinical and follows the definition as outlined by the WHO. [21]
Treatment Studied treatments for long COVID include anti-inflammatory agents, specific diets, cognitive behavioral therapy, rehabilitation, and HBOT. [22]
Potential HBOT benefits
  • HBOT may be beneficial for  [22]
    • HBOT has been used as an effective treatment for symptoms ascribed to long COVID, especially fatigue and neurocognitive deficits. 
    • HBOT appears to provide benefits to patients with long COVID through the enhanced mitochondrial function, reduction in inflammation, mobilization of stem cells, improvement in thrombotic disease and the relief of hypoxia.
Published protocols
  • Protocols include HBOT ranging from 10 to 40 daily sessions and pressures from 2.0 to 2.4 ATA. Treatment times also varied and ranged from 45 to 90 minutes. [8][22][23][24] 
HBOT can improve quality of life, fatigue, cognition, neuropsychiatric symptoms, and cardiopulmonary function among patients with long COVID. Although HBOT has shown some benefits for long COVID symptoms, further rigorous large-scale RCTs are required to establish precise indications, protocols, and post-treatment evaluation.  [8][22][23][24]   See 'S ummary of Evidence' in the Appendix.

Outcomes Tracking

The following parameters are monitored to evaluate HBOT's efficacy in long COVID:

  • Parameters measured and reported include: fatigue, global cognition, executive function, and other neurocognitive parameters.  [8][22][23][24]  


  • Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is an inflammatory response to an underlying trigger/condition. Fifty percent of PG cases are idiopathic. For details, see topic " Pyoderma Gangrenosum - Introduction and Assessment".
    • Clinical manifestations:  PG has different clinical presentations. Its morphological variants include classic ulcerative (most common), bullous, pustular, superficial granulomatous or vegetative pyoderma gangrenosum. PG may develop in periostomal, genital and extracutaneous locations and may also be part of several auto-inflammatory syndromes.
    • Ulcerative: Most common presentation. Nodule or pustule that progresses to painful deeper ulcer in 24-48h.
      • Ulcer: deep, well-defined borders, irregularly shaped, elevated, violaceous. Pathergy (induction of inflammatory process after skin trauma) may be present Systemic symptoms: fever, malaise, etc.
    • Bullous: Usually associated with hematological conditions
      • Ulcer: concentric, bullous areas, more superficial, generally on upper limbs and face
    • Pustular:  Rare, appears to be limited to patients with inflammatory bowel disease
      • Ulcer: superficial, pustules coalesce and ulcerate, often on trunk and extensor surface of limbs
    • Superficial granulomatous or vegetative pyoderma gangrenosum:
      • Ulcer: superficial, usually single lesion Patient otherwise healthy, may respond to treatment more readily
  • Biopsy of ulcer margin and subcutaneous tissue positive for neutrophilic infiltrate is a major criteria for diagnosis of ulcerative PG.
  • Management of the underlying cause while incorporating anti-inflammatory medications, steroid therapy (administered orally, intramuscularly, or parenterally), immune-modulating treatments, local wound care, negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), pain management, and measures to prevent trauma. See topic " Pyoderma Gangrenosum - Treatment".
Potential HBOT benefits
  • HBOT serves as a viable adjunctive treatment for certain challenging wounds resulting from refractory pyoderma gangrenosum (PG). Numerous case studies and reports have demonstrated that incorporating HBOT into the treatment regimen for refractory PG can promote granulation tissue formation, alleviate pain, and reduce ulcer size. In some instances, complete healing of PG ulcers has been achieved.  [2] [8] [25] [26]
  • Since PG skin ulcers are driven by inflammation, HBOT's anti-inflammatory effects have contributed to wound size reduction, as evidenced by findings from both individual case studies and larger case series. [25]
Published protocols
  • HBOT at 2.4 ATA for 90 minutes per session, with a total of 30 treatment sessions.  [8]
  • HBOT has demonstrated success even in challenging cases of PG, contributing to wound size reduction, improved granulation, and pain relief.  [2] [8] [25] [26]
  • During HBOT, efforts should be made to gradually discontinue conventional PG therapies - such as steroids, monoclonal antibodies, and immune-modulating treatments - that can contribute to side effects like dysglycemia and immune suppression, ultimately impairing wound healing. Additionally, surgical interventions may be considered as part of the treatment approach.
  • See 'Summary of Evidence' in the Appendix.

Outcomes Tracking

The following parameters are monitored to evaluate HBOT's efficacy in PG:

  • Refractory PG ulcer decreased size to complete healing, decreased pain.


  • The growing use of fillers for cosmetic purposes has also been accompanied by a rise in iatrogenic vascular occlusive injuries, which were once considered rare. Filler-induced vascular occlusion (FIVO) can result in complications from localized skin necrosis to more severe neuro-ophthalmological issues.  [27][28]
  • Vascular compromise and occlusion may occur with any dermal filler following inadvertent intra‐arterial injection, and it is generally the volume of product injected rather than filler type that has the greatest impact: The larger the bolus and the larger the branch of the artery that is embolized, the larger the area of necrosis.  [29]
  • HBOT is a potential treatment for FIVO, though the optimal timing and dosage are yet to be fully established. [28]
  • Clinical manifestations of FIVO include  [28][29]:
    • Peripheral ischemia of soft tissue
      • Pain and discomfort around the injected area
      • Swelling, erythema, small vesicles
      • Blanching, livedo reticularis, blue-grey discoloration
      • Skin ulceration
      • Skin infection
    • Disabling neuro-ophthalmological sequelae
    • Parotid gland infection 
    • Hearing loss
Diagnosis Mainly clinical (history and clinical presentation). Computed tomography angiogram may help identify vascular occlusion (e.g. of a superficial temporal artery branch, etc). 
  • Proposed treatment modalities vary in the literature and depend on the duration of occlusion (early vs late presentation). Most hyaluronic acid vascular compromises present early and are often effectively treated by hyaluronidase.  [30]
  • While hyaluronic acid fillers can be dissolved with hyaluronidase, particulate fillers like calcium hydroxylapatite are more difficult to break down, making HBOT a potentially valuable treatment option in such cases.[2] In addition, patients with FIVO due to calcium hydroxylapatite fillers can be treated with hyaluronidase, aspirin, tadalafil, and prednisolone.[29]
  • Prompt intervention is crucial, similar to other UHMS-approved indications where acute ischemia is a key concern, such as central retinal artery occlusion or compromised flaps. Early treatment has been shown to lead to better outcomes.  [2][30][29]
Potential HBOT benefits
  • HBOT may play a crucial role in improving tissue perfusion in cases of FIVO and associated infections. [31][32] 
    • By enhancing oxygen delivery to tissues, HBOT regulates reactive oxygen species and influences key processes such as angiogenesis and the body's response to hypoxia.[28]
Published protocols
  • While studies that published HBOT protocols for compromised grafts provide insights on HBOT protocols for FIVO, standardized guidelines for FIVO are lacking.
  • In a published treatment protocol,  HBOT was initiated 15 hours after the initial insult, and the patient received 6 total treatments, done twice daily, the initial 2 treatments at 3.0 ATA for 90 minutes followed by 4 treatments at 2.4 ATA for 90 minutes, all with air breaks every 30 minutes.  [32]
  • In another study, alongside antibiotics and other symptomatic therapies, the patients received multiple, 90-minute HBOT sessions at 2.4 ATA over the course of one to two weeks.[31]

Available evidence suggests that adjunctive HBOT is beneficial for management of FIVO.   [27][28][29][30][31][32]

  • Facial filler case reports highlight the need for further information such as the time of injury to help determine the optimal timing for maximal HBOT efficacy.  [2]
  • Case reports have indicated that combining HBOT with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, and antihistamine agents can be effective in managing FIVO.  [27][28][29][30][31][32]
  • See 'Summary of Evidence' in the Appendix.

Outcomes Tracking

The following parameters are monitored to evaluate HBOT's efficacy in FIVO:

  • Clinical improvement of the affected soft tissue (e.g. improvement of pain, swelling, skin discoloration, ulceration, infection).  [31]
  • Prevention of vision loss, vertigo  [29]


  • Frostbite occurs when skin and, in severe cases, underlying tissues freeze due to prolonged exposure to extreme cold. Ice crystal formation within cells leads to structural damage and impaired tissue function. The extremities - such as the fingers, toes, nose, and ears - are particularly vulnerable. [33]
  • The severity of frostbite ranges from superficial frostbite, which affects only the outer skin layers, to deep frostbite, which involves muscle, bone, and other deeper tissues. Common symptoms include numbness, tingling, pain, and skin discoloration, progressing from pale or waxy to hardened and darkened. In severe cases, frostbite can result in tissue necrosis, potentially leading to digit or limb loss. [33]
  • The pathophysiologic evidence indicates the primary mechanism of tissue damage in slow onset frostbite is due to a multifactorial vascular response. [34]
    • The final stage of intracellular ice crystal formation may seal the necrotic fate of the tissue, at that point preventing a chance for tissue regeneration.
    • There is a recoverable phase if rewarming occurs before the final tissue destruction, but endothelial reperfusion injury can occur again within 4 to 8 hours post-rewarming.
  • Clinical presentation and history. [34]
  • Imaging modalities: a key challenge in frostbite management is accurately assessing the extent of tissue damage to maximize the preservation of viable tissue. To address this, various imaging modalities have been utilized to evaluate the severity, depth, and extent of injury. These include plain radiography (X-ray), laser and ultrasound Doppler, angiography, multiphase bone scintigraphy (bone scans), and single-photon emission computed tomography fused with conventional computed tomography (SPECT/CT).  [34]
  • All treatment options are focused at restoration and maintenance of microvascular flow post-rewarming and reduction of inflammation, specifically aimed at endovascular inflammatory effects and prevention of reperfusion injury. [34] Rapid rewarming in warm water (40-42 °C) remains the standard of care. [34] 
  • Treatment options can mainly be divided into three phases  [34]
    • Prethaw field care,
    • Immediate rewarming phase, which is preferable in the hospital
    • Postthaw phase, which may continue for several weeks to months.
  • The management of frostbite primarily focuses on inhibiting endovascular inflammation and facilitating early reperfusion to preserve tissue viability. However, current treatment options lack robust evidence from well-designed RCTs.
    • Vasodilators, such as nitroglycerine and papaverine, have been utilized in frostbite management. While studies assessing their standalone efficacy are limited, their combined use with thrombolytic agents like recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) or streptokinase has been explored. The American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) provides a Grade 2C recommendation for the use of thrombolytic therapy in severe frostbite cases, indicating that the benefits may outweigh the risks, but the evidence is not definitive. [35]
    • Iloprost, a prostacyclin analogue with vasodilatory properties, has demonstrated potential benefits in frostbite treatment. Notably, in 2024, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Aurlumyn™ (iloprost) Injection as the first medication for severe frostbite in adults to reduce the risk of digit amputations. [36]
    • Current studies advocate for delayed surgical intervention, with soft tissue debridement and bone scan-guided amputations performed only after tissue viability is clearly delineated. When surgery is required, procedures such as selective blister drainage, fasciotomies, surgical salvage, skin grafting, and flap reconstruction help restore both form and function in affected patients. [34]
Potential HBOT benefits
  • Although evidence supporting the use of HBOT for frostbite remains scarce and is primarily based on case reports and limited animal studies, its proposed mechanism of action suggests it may be an effective treatment, particularly when administered soon after rewarming. [8]
  • HBOT could serve as a potential treatment option either alone or in combination with vasodilators, anticoagulants, or hemorrheologic agents such as pentoxifylline. However, current supporting evidence is restricted to case studies, highlighting the need for further research to establish its efficacy. [8]
Published protocols
  • There is no specific treatment protocol identified but a used regimen according to submitted case studies is 2.5 ATA for 150 minutes with one treatment/day over seven days. [8]
HBOT as an addition to the multidisciplinary treatment of frostbite, even after significant delay of treatment has been shown to result in favorable outcomes  The physiological rationale for using HBOT in frostbite is based on its ability to counteract circulatory disruption caused by freezing. See 'Summary of Evidence' in the Appendix.

Outcomes Tracking

The following parameters are monitored to evaluate HBOT's efficacy in frostbite management:

  • Amputated segments. [37]
  • EQ-5D questionnaire scores (measures a patient's self-rated health). [2]


The provision of HBOT for an emerging indication in a hospital outpatient setting presents both regulatory and financial considerations. Programs considering this approach should engage hospital administration, compliance teams, and financial departments to assess the possibility of establishing a structured framework for treatment and reimbursement.

  • Regulatory and Compliance Considerations:
    • A review by the hospital’s compliance and legal teams is recommended to ensure alignment with institutional policies and risk management protocols. A thorough legal assessment can help clarify institutional positions and mitigate potential liability concerns. 
  • Financial and Reimbursement Strategies:
    • Self-Pay Models: hospitals may consider establishing out-of-pocket payment structures for HBOT for an emerging indication, ensuring transparency in cost-sharing agreements.
    • Compassionate Care Programs: some institutions offer financial assistance or sliding-scale payment options to improve patient access.
    • Private Insurance Reimbursement: while some commercial payers may provide coverage for HBOT for specific types of emerging indication, reimbursement is often retrospective, requiring patients to pay upfront and submit claims for potential reimbursement.


Summary of Evidence

    SOE - Calciphylaxis

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    • A 2020 review included patients with calciphylaxis who were treated with HBOT (n=131); of these, 58 patients (45%) had full response on HBOT with complete wound closure. Regarding partial response, 17 of the patients (13%) experienced substantial wound improvement on different wound scale scores. [16]
    • A 2015 retrospective analysis of 34 patients who completed a full course of HBO, demonstrated improvement in wound scores in 58% of the patients, and complete wound healing in 32% of the patients. There also seemed to be a decreased mortality rate in those patients who benefited from HBOT.  [17]

    SOE - Arterial Ulcers

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    • A 2017 retrospective study (n=58 patients) by Takagi et al compared the use of standalone HBOT with control for patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI) who do not respond to revascularization. Low certainty evidence shows that repetitive, stand-alone HBOT (2.8 ATM for 60 min per session, repeated for 6 days per week until pain at rest or the foot ulcer improved) was associated with major adverse events-free survival (OR: 0.05; 95% CI: 0.01-0.26; p <0.001) and limb salvage (OR: 0.04; 95% CI: 0.004-0.32; p =0.003) in patients with CLTI.  [20]
    • A 2014 retrospective study (n=82 patients) aimed to analyze healing rates and amputation rates in patients who underwent adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen for a nonhealing arterial insufficiency ulcer that failed to heal despite standard treatment.  A majority did not have diabetes (84.1%). The overall rate of healing was 43.9%. The overall major amputation rate was 17.1%. The amputation rate among those who healed was 0% compared to 42.4% among those not healed (p < 0.0001). Dialysis was predictive of major amputation (p = 0.03). Authors concluded that HBOT can play a role in management of arterial insufficiency ulcers that have failed standard treatment.  [38]
    • Low certainty evidence derived from a case series (n=12) from an international registry showed that patients receiving at least 30 HBOT sessions often experienced improvement, while those with fewer than 15 sessions typically did not respond. Patient selection is crucial, as those with severe hypoxia and extensive vascular compromise may derive limited benefit.   [2]

    SOE - Long Covid

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    • A 2024 systematic review included one case report, five one-group pretest-posttest design studies, one safety report from a randomized controlled trial (RCT), and three complete reports of RCTs. Authors concluded that HBOT can improve quality of life, fatigue, cognition, neuropsychiatric symptoms, and cardiopulmonary function. HBOT has shown potential benefits for long COVID symptoms, but adverse effects like cough and chest discomfort may impact compliance. Current evidence is limited, relying mainly on case reports, small studies, and three RCTs based on the same patient population. Variability in timing, therapy protocols, and patient characteristics may also influence outcomes. Large-scale, rigorous RCTs are needed to establish clear indications, standardized protocols, and post-treatment evaluation criteria.  [23] 
    • A 2024 systematic review included seven studies from seven countries, divided into RCTs and observational studies, with 199 patients with long Covid syndrome (LCS). HBOT protocols included breathing 100% oxygen at 2.0 ATA until 2.5 ATA; the number of sessions varied from ten to 60 depending on the patient's comorbidities and symptoms. Memory, executive function, attention, fatigue, and pain level improved with HBOT. The intervention had minimal side effects, and none were serious. Authors concluded that HBOT might be effective and safe in LCS patients. However, further research should be focused on evaluating its efficacy in a larger number of patients through randomized studies.  [24] 
    • A 2024 review included 8 studies, divided into RCTs and observational studies, with 274 patients with long Covid. HBOT protocols included breathing 100% oxygen between 2.0 ATA until 2.5 ATA; the number of sessions varied from ten to 60 depending on the patient's comorbidities and symptoms. Authors concluded that HBOT has significant effects in improving the lives of patients diagnosed with long COVID.  [22]

    SOE - Pyoderma Gangrenosum

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    • A 2016 case series with 29 patients with PG and refractory Crohn’s disease evaluated the effectiveness of HBOT. Patients underwent daily sessions at 2.4 ATA for 2 hours per session. The primary outcome measures were the closure of enterocutaneous fistulas and complete healing of PG and perineal Crohn’s disease. A total of 829 HBOT sessions were conducted with no reported complications. The overall success rate was 76% (22 out of 29 cases), with PG and enterocutaneous fistulas demonstrating the highest healing rates at 100% and 91%, respectively. [39]
    • A 2024 scoping review included 32 case reports and two case series, comprising a total of 48 subjects (21 male and 27 female) aged between 41 and 65years. The associated conditions included inflammatory bowel disease (16.7%), malignancies (16.7%) and rheumatoid arthritis (10.4%). Patients follow-ups were up to 180days (35.4%) and longer than 365days (16.7%). In 93.7% of patients, HBOT was used as a PG adjuvant therapy and in 6.3%, HBOT was used as solo therapy. After the introduction of HBOT sessions, 58.4% of patients experienced complete healing of the lesions, while 20.8% showed an ‘improved lesion status’ at the end of the follow-up period. Authors concluded that HBOT provides benefits for PG outcomes. [25] 

    SOE_Facial Fillers

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    • In a 2024 report, an international registry listed 4 cases of filler-induced vascular occlusion (FIVO). Of the 4 cases, 2 (50%) occurred after the use of Radiesse, a calcium hydroxylapatite filler, while the other 2 (50%) were unspecified. Of the 4 cases recorded, all were treated in a multiplace chamber, and 3 (75%) showed improvement, with 2 (50%) stopping prescribed treatment sessions early due to recovery. Both that stopped early were on a twice twice-daily schedule, with 1 at 2.0 ATA and another at 2.4 ATA. One did not have a result listed other than stopping early secondary to a seizure as a complication, but this patient was taken to 2.8 ATA, which increases seizure risk. The final case was treated at 2.4 ATA daily, completing the prescribed 5 cases with improvement. All 4 cases were treated within 1 day of referral.  [2]
    • In 2024, a report detailed three cases where patients experienced adverse effects following aesthetic treatments such as filler injections and thread lifts. These patients underwent multiple 90-minute HBOT sessions at 2.4 ATA  over one to two weeks, alongside standard medical therapies. The outcomes were favorable, with significant improvements in wound healing and reduction of inflammation.   [28]
    • In 2022 Jalilian et al reported a case of ischemic wound and mucosal necrosis after cosmetic facial hyaluronic acid injection that appeared within hours of injection but was not diagnosed and treated for 5 days. At day 5, the patient was treated with hyaluronidase injection immediately followed by 14 sessions of daily HBOT. Despite the delayed treatment, the patient had essentially complete recovery and the hyperbaric therapy was overall well-tolerated. [30]  
    • Several case reports have shown favorable outcomes with adjunctive HBOT for management of FIVO.   [27] [29] [31] [32]

    SOE - Frostbite

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    • A 2021 Swiss study by Magnan et al. examined 28 prospectively recruited frostbite patients treated with HBO₂ in combination with the prostacyclin analog iloprost, comparing their outcomes to 30 historical patients who received iloprost alone. Patients receiving adjunctive HBOT had a lower number of amputated segments (OR 45, CI 6-335) than those treated with iloprost alone. In this study, HBOT was administered at 2.5 ATA for 150 minutes once daily over seven days.  [40]
    • Additional literature, as summarized by Kemper et al., includes case reports supporting HBOT use alongside prostaglandins or anticoagulation therapy. The proposed mechanisms of HBOT in frostbite management include enhancing oxygenation in damaged tissue, promoting peripheral vasodilation post-treatment, and reducing ischemia/reperfusion injury. [37]
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