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Streamlining Your Practice with WoundReference Digital Tools - Poster Presentation Gallery

Streamlining Your Practice with WoundReference Digital Tools - Poster Presentation Gallery

Streamlining Your Practice with WoundReference Digital Tools - Poster Presentation Gallery

This is a collection of posters presented by WoundReference at wound care and hyperbaric medicine conferences. Posters illustrate clinical and practice improvement studies conducted by WoundReference and partnering institutions. 

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First presented in 2022

GO/NO GO: A Tool to Eliminate The Guesswork in Determining Which Items May Be Allowed in a Hyperbaric Chamber

  • Authors: Jeff Mize RRT CHT UHMSADS, Francois Burman BSc MSc UHMSADS, Elaine H. Song MD PhD MBA, Tiffany Hamm BSN RN ACHRN CWS UHMSADS, Catherine T. Milne APRN MSN CWOCN-AP, Eugene R Worth FABA UHM/ABPM
  • Key message: The combination of the two approaches (NFPA Risk Assessment Algorithm and the Burman Risk Scoring System) and a user-friendly digital interface as described above, further provides the hyperbaric facility with a robust go/no-go documentation and risk mitigation Tool that helps objectively determine which items may be safely allowed in a hyperbaric chamber.
  • Presented at: SAWC Spring 2022
  • Featured tool: GO/NO-GO Prohibited Items Risk Assessment Tool
  • Poster will be available in this gallery soon. For more information, contact us.

First presented in 2021

Accelerating wound care competency development, management and documentation

  • Authors: Elaine H. Song MD PhD MBA, Catherine T. Milne APRN MSN CWOCN-AP, Rafael Mazuz MBA BSc, Eilon Scheiner BA, Tiffany Hamm BSN RN ACHRN CWS, Jeff Mize RRT CHT CWCA
  • Key message: A solution to accelerate wound care competency development, management and documentation was created. Users’ reported benefits include care standardization, increased efficiency in employee onboarding/orientation, and ability to track competencies for employee development, licensure, certification and facility accreditation.
  • Presented at: SAWC Fall 2021, WOCNext 2022, SAWC Spring 2022
  • Featured tool: Competency Tool

Prioritizing Patient-Centeredness As a Foundation of Telehealth Solutions to Maximize User-Friendliness and Patient Empowerment in Wound Care

  • Authors: Lauren Mitchell, Catherine T. Milne APRN MSN CWOCN-AP, Tiffany Hamm BSN RN ACHRN CW, Jeff Mize RRT CHT CWCA, Nayara Gerez RN, CWOCN, Erin M. Tharalson, DNP, RN, ANP-BC, CWS, Elaine H. Song MD PhD MBA
  • Key message: The existing telehealth software was successfully upgraded with features designed to enhance user-friendliness, optimize patient-provider communication, and empower patients to achieve greater involvement in their care plan.
  • Presented at: SAWC Spring 2021, WOCNext 2021, SAWC FALL 2021
  • Highlights:   Published on Today's Wound Clinic as Patient-Centered Telehealth Best Practices: What Have We Learned? [1]
  • * Featured tool: TeleVisit Tool 2.0

First presented in 2020

Determining Telehealth/Telemedicine Best Practices

  • Authors: Catherine Milne, APRN, MSN, CWOCN-AP,  Elaine H. Song, MD, PhD, MBA, Tiffany Hamm, BSN, RN, ACHRN, CWS, Jeffrey Mize, RRT, CHT, CWCA, Erin M. Tharalson, DNP, RN, ANP-BC, CWS, Nataliya Lebedinskaya, RN, BSN, CWOCN
  • Key message: Challenges and solutions were compiled into a best practice document. As payers/patients/clinicians consider making telehealth a permanent modality, implementation of these solutions will ensure patient and clinician/staff satisfaction.
  • Presented at: WOW 2020, WoundCon Spring 2021, SAWC Fall 2020, WOCNext 2021
  • Highlights:  2020 SAWC Fall Highest Scoring Poster Award, Practice Innovations 
  • * Featured tool: TeleVisit Tool 2.0
  • Poster will be available in this gallery soon. For more information, contact us.

GO/NO GO: The Impact of a Digital Risk Assessment Tool* and Training on Accurate Completion of Risk Assessment Process for Prohibited Hyperbaric Items

  • Authors: Jeff Mize RRT CHT CWCA, Tiffany Hamm BSN RN ACHRN CWS, Eugene R Worth FABA, UHM/ABPM, Elaine H. Song MD PhD MBA, Karla Oberle BSN, ACHRN, Andrea Ezzell LPN, Amanda Burkeybile LPN, CWCA, Kris Butler, BSN CHRN, Catherine T. Milne APRN MSN CWOCN-APRN BSN CWOCN
  • Key message: Utilization of the Digital Risk Assessment Tool* coupled with training on risk assessment and documentation significantly improved completion rate and documentation of the risk assessment process. Opportunities for continued improvement were identified. Processes were optimized and incorporated into each facility’s EMR.
  • Presented at: UHMS 2020, WOW 2020, SAWC Fall 2020, WOCNext 2021, SAWC Spring 2021
  • Highlights:  Abstract published in the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine Journal ISSUE 47-3
  • * Featured tool: Go No-Go Risk Assessment Tool 

Implementation of synchronous/asynchronous interprofessional internet consultations in a U.S. hospital-based wound clinic, leveraging a wound-care specific telemedicine solution*

  • Authors: Elaine H. Song MD PhD MBA, Catherine T. Milne APRN MSN CWOCN-AP, Kye Evans DO FACEP, Scott Robinson MD, Tiffany Hamm BSN RN ACHRN CWS, Jeff Mize RRT CHT CWCA, Lauren Meyers MBA, Samantha Kuplicki MSN APRN-CNS AGCNS-BC CWS CWCN-AP RNFA, Kathryn Whiston-Lemm ACNP CWON COCN-AP, Nataliya Lebendiskaya RN BSN CWOCN
  • Key message: Interprofessional internet consultations were implemented at a hospital based wound clinic, leveraging an easy-to-use, wound care-specific telemedicine software. Besides improving patient satisfaction, interprofessional internet consultations may increase revenue through additional reimbursable services and more accurate ICD-coding.
  • Presented at: SAWC Virtual 2020, WOW 2020 
  • Highlights:  Published on Today's Wound Clinic as Adopting Telemedicine in Wound Care: Interprofessional Internet Consultations [2]
  • * Featured tool: TeleVisit Tool 2.0
  • Poster will be available in this gallery soon. Click here or contact us for more information on telemedicine/ telehealth in wound care.

Roadmap for implementation of team-based interprofessional and telemedicine-based wound care management in post-acute settings

  • Authors: Catherine T. Milne APRN MSN CWOCN-AP, Elaine H. Song MD PhD MBA, Scott Robinson MD, Kye Evans DO FACEP, Tiffany Hamm BSN RN ACHRN CWS, Jeff Mize RRT CHT CWCA, Lauren Meyers MBA, Julie Lientz, MSN, MBA, RN, WCC, CWON
  • Key message: A roadmap for implementation of team-based interprofessional and telemedicine-based wound care management in post-acute settings was developed, leveraging a wound care-specific telemedicine software. Anticipated benefits include better clinical outcomes (i.e., timely diagnosis/management) and increased revenue (i.e. reduced hospitalizations/accurate ICD-10 coding)
  • Presented at: SAWC Virtual 2020, WOW 2020, SAWC Fall 2020, WOCNext 2021
  • Highlights:  2020 SAWC Spring/Virtual Highest Scoring Poster Award, Practice Innovations 
  • * Featured tool: TeleVisit Tool 2.0
  • Poster will be available in this gallery soon. Click here or contact us for more information on telemedicine/ telehealth in wound care.

First presented in 2019

Point-of-Care Digital Innovation for Wound Self-Care Patient Education: Instant Personalized Dressing Brochure Tool*

  • Authors: Erin M. Tharalson, DNP RN ANP-BC CWS, Elaine H. Song MD PhD MBA, Catherine T. Milne APRN MSN CWOCN-AP, Lauren Meyers, MBA, Tiffany Hamm BSN RN ACHRN CWS, Jeff Mize RRT CHT CWC, Erin Ensz RN BSN
  • Key message: The Dressing Change Brochure Editor instantly creates personalized, multi-step dressing change brochures for patients in English and Spanish. This digital tool was found to be beneficial in improving patient understanding and adherence to wound self-care. To our knowledge, it is the first point-of-care solution of its kind.
  • Presented at: SAWC Fall 2019, WOW 2019, WOCNext 2020, SAWC Spring 2020
  • Highlights:  2019 WOW Poster Presentation Award
  • * Featured tool: Dressing Change Brochure Editor

 A Wound Care-Specific Solution* for Clinicians to Quickly Incorporate Reimbursable Telemedicine Services in their Practices 

  • Authors: Elaine H. Song MD PhD MBA, Catherine T. Milne APRN MSN CWOCN-AP, Kye Evans DO FACEP, Scott Robinson MD, Tiffany Hamm BSN RN ACHRN CWS, Jeff Mize RRT CHT CWCA, Lauren Meyers MBA, Samantha Kuplicki MSN APRN-CNS AGCNS-BC CWS CWCN-AP RNFA, Kathryn Whiston-Lemm ACNP CWON COCN-AP, Nataliya Lebendiskaya RN BSN CWOCN
  • Key message: Interprofessional internet consultations were implemented at a hospital based wound clinic, leveraging an easy-to-use, wound care-specific telemedicine software. Besides improving patient satisfaction, interprofessional internet consultations may increase revenue through additional reimbursable services and more accurate ICD-coding.
  • Presented at: SAWC Fall 2019, WOW 2019
  • * Featured tool: TeleVisit Tool

A Novel Point-of-care Solution* to Streamline Local Wound Formulary. Development/Management and Promote Cost-effective Wound Care

  • Authors: Elaine H. Song MD PhD MBA, Catherine T. Milne APRN MSN CWOCN-AP, Tiffany Hamm BSN RN ACHRN CWS, Jeff Mize RRT CHT CWC, Lauren Meyers MBA, Kimberly Harris RN CWCA, Amy Smith RN, JD, Samantha Kuplicki MSN, APRN-CNS, AGCNS-BC, CWS, CWCN-AP, RNFA, CFCN, Lydia M. Ferreira MD PhD MBA, Alex K. Wong MD FACS
  • Key message:  A solution to streamline creation of local wound care formularies was developed. Implementation resulted in inventory cost savings and increased staff efficiency. Its ease-of-use may significantly increase adoption of cost-effective formularies and maximize health outcomes.
  • Presented at: SAWC Spring 2019, SAWC Fall 2019, WOW 2019, WOCNext 2020
  • Highlights:  2019 SAWC Fall Highest Scoring Poster Award, Practice Innovations.  2019 WOW Poster Presentation Award.   Published on Advances in Skin and Wound Care as "A Novel Point-of-Care Solution to Streamline Local Wound Formulary Development and Promote Cost-effective Wound Care".[3]
  • * Featured tool: Digital Local Wound Care Formulary

First presented in 2018

A New Mobile-Responsive Solution* to Increase Patient Adherence: Instant Personalized Patient Handouts

  • Authors: Elaine H. Song MD PhD MBA, Catherine T. Milne APRN MSN CWOCN-AP, Tiffany Hamm BSN RN ACHRN CWS, Jeff Mize RRT CHT CWC, Lauren Meyers, MBA, Scott Robinson, MD, Erin , Dee Anne Shoenfeld, RN, Nataliya Lebendiskaya RN BSN CWOCN, Kathy Whiston-Lemm ACNP CWON, Lydia M. Ferreira MD PhD MBA
  • Key message: A mobile-responsive solution that generates customized product handouts with clinical, coverage, pricing and supplier information was developed. It may significantly increase patient adherence while saving clinicians’ time.
  • Presented at: SAWC Fall 2018, Wild on Wounds 2018, SAWC Spring 2019, WOCNext 2019
  • Highlights:   Oral presentation at the SAWC Fall 2018.  2018 WOW Poster Presentation Award.  Published on Wounds as "A New Mobile-responsive Solution to Increase Patient Adherence: Instant Personalized Product Handouts".[4]
  • * Featured tools: Product Navigator, Product Patient Handouts

Streamlining Curbside Consults* in Wound Care and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy : A Mobile-Responsive Solution

  • Authors: Elaine H. Song MD PhD MBA, Catherine T. Milne APRN, MSN, CWOCN-AP, Tiffany Hamm BSN RN ACHRN CWS, Jeff Mize RRT CHT CWCA, Lauren Meyers, MBA, Scott Robinson MD, Samantha Kuplicki MSN APRN-CNS ACNS-BC CWS CWCN-AP RNFA CFCN, Julie Lientz BSN RN WCC CWON, Lydia M. Ferreira MD PhD MBA, Alex Wong MD FACS
  • Key message: A mobile-responsive module that streamlines curbside consults and point-of-care decision-making was developed. The solution enables clinicians to seamlessly receive customized, timely answers from a multispecialty panel of wound care and hyperbaric experts.
  • Presented at: SAWC Fall 2018, WOW 2018
  • Highlights:  2018 WOW Poster Presentation Award.
  • * Featured tools: Curbside Consult
Official reprint from WoundReference® woundreference.com ©2025 Wound Reference, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Use of WoundReference is subject to the Subscription and License Agreement. ​
NOTE: This is a controlled document. This document is not a substitute for proper training, experience, and exercising of professional judgment. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents, neither the authors nor the Wound Reference, Inc. give any guarantee as to the accuracy of the information contained in them nor accept any liability, with respect to loss, damage, injury or expense arising from any such errors or omissions in the contents of the work.


  1. Song EH, Milne C, Mitchell L, Hamm T, Mize J, Evans K, Shah J, Robinson S, Lebedinskaya N, Tharalson EM et al. Patient-Centered Telehealth Best Practices: What Have We Learned? Today's Wound Clinic. 2021;.
  2. Song EH, Evans K, Robinson S, Hamm T, Mize J, Milne C, Kuplicki S, Whiston-Lemm K et al. Adopting Telemedicine in Wound Care: Interprofessional Internet Consultations Today's Wound Clinic. 2020;volume 14(2):.
  3. Song EH, Milne C, Hamm T, Mize J, Harris K, Kuplicki S, Smith A, Ferreira LM, Wong A et al. A Novel Point-of-Care Solution to Streamline Local Wound Formulary Development and Promote Cost-effective Wound Care. Advances in skin & wound care. 2020;volume 33(2):91-97.
  4. Song EH, Milne CT, Hamm T, Mize J, Lebendiskaya N, Robinson S, Ensz E, Schoenfeld DA, Whiston-Lemm K, Wong AK, Ferreira L et al. A New Mobile-responsive Solution to Increase Patient Adherence: Instant Personalized Product Handouts. Wounds : a compendium of clinical research and practice. 2019;volume 31(4):E21-E24.
Topic 1515 Version 1.0


Guidance on lean staffing for wound care centers. Identification of variables that impact staffing, staffing tool and tips

This topic provides an update on Quality in wound care and how clinical decision support systems like WoundReference can help clinicians achieve better outcomes more efficiently. The topic lists resources such as a quality framework intended to be used for creation or assessment of wound care services, algorithms demonstrating application of evidence in product selection, quality measures specific to wound care, and guidance for wound and hyperbaric programs to successfully navigate the CMS Quality Payment Program (MIPS).

Guidance on strategic planning and performance improvement tailored to wound care and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) programs is still scarce. This topic provides an Editable Balanced Scorecard Tool with sample metrics for wound care and HBOT programs. Institutions can make a copy of the tool, and use it to select and monitor their own objectives and metrics, according to their own vision and mission.

ABSTRACTINTRODUCTIONOverviewasdBackground DefinitionsMedical ethics: medical ethics applies moral principles to the solving of dilemmas A

INTRODUCTIONOverviewBackgroundDefinitionsRelevanceGRADE APPROACH

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