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This topic provides a list of Guidelines, Quality Measures and other resources on Wound Infection. For guidance on how institutions can minimize misuse and/or ...
Diabetic foot ulcer is the leading cause of non traumatic lower-extremity amputation. This topic provides evidence-based, always current information on ...
... For details, refer to section 'Wagner Classification' in topic " Diabetic Foot Ulcer - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy"
... For signs and symptoms associated with stages of the wound infection continuum, see section 'Relevance' in topic "Wound Culture - Swabs, 
... 'Ulcer complications - Soft Tissue Infection' in topic "How to Assess a Patient with Chronic Wounds"; 'Infection management' in topic " 
Wound culture, obtained right after debridement and before initiation of empiric antibiotic therapy, guides definitive antibiotic therapy. This topic focuses on ...
For patients with an infected DFU: treat infection with debridement, topical antimicrobial agents and systemic antibiotics. Collect wound culture after ...
... This topic serves as a tool to help clinicians assess wound healability, that is, the ability of a wound to undergo functional healing
This topic provides the steps for collecting a superficial wound swab for wound culture and susceptibilities (C&S) when there is a suspected wound infection.
For a sample policy, see section 'Wound Photography' in topic "Wound Assessment, Documentation and Photography". Ulcer complications. SOFT TISSUE INFECTION.
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