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SUMMARY Radiation-induced cutaneous damage is a common sequela of radiation exposure, affecting up to 95 percent of patients who receive radiotherapy.
Radiation-induced cutaneous damage is a common sequela of radiation exposure. This topic describes management of acute and late effects of radiation.
Comprehensive, practical topic on late, acute, late-consequential and other types of radiation cutaneous damage, including epidemiology, risk factors, etiology, ...
give any guarantee as to the accuracy of the information contained in them nor accept any liability, with respect to loss, damage, injury or expense arising ...
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Skin changes associated with diseases causing lymphedema. Nonhealing surgical wounds; Radiation-induced injury. See topic "Radiation-induced Cutaneous Damage - ...
... Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for treatment of compromised flaps and skin grafts (including mutilated limb injuries), with evidence, sample 
Stage III ORN: Presence of orocutaneous fistulae, evidence of lytic involvement extending to the inferior mandibular border, full thickness bone damage or ...
Some insurers specifically require photographic evidence of the diagnosis (radiation-induced soft tissue breakdown, for example). ... damage, injury or ...