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As in any illness or injury, preventing PUs/PIs is better than treating them. This topic presents evidence-based interventions for prevention of PUs/PIs, with ...
Framework for assessment of patients with pressure ulcers/injuries. Includes concise abstract, clinical pathway/algorithm for use at the point-of-care, ...
TREATMENT. Overview. This topic covers management of pressure ulcers/injuries (PUs/PIs). For clinical guidelines and quality measures specific ...
... This topic provides practical examples on best practices of care coordination for management and prevention of PUs/PIs
As in any illness or injury, preventing PUs/PIs is better than treating them. This topic presents evidence-based interventions for prevention of PUs/PIs, with ...
This topic provides a systematic approach to identifying patients at risk for developing pressure ulcers/injuries (PUs/PIs) and developing specific care plans , ...
For best practices in care coordination, see topic "Pressure Ulcers/Injuries -Coordination of Care". Background. When individuals have skin breakdown on their ...
This topic provides pictures and details on two of the most used classification systems for pressure ulcer/injury (PU/PI): the classification created by the ...
Pressure ulcers/ injuries for patients and caregivers. The topic can be shared by email, or the attached trifold brochure can be printed and handed directly ...
... Assessment of Common Conditions · Webinar: Wound Care Basics Part 1
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