5 results (0.19 seconds)  
NOTE: This is a controlled document. This document is not a substitute for proper training, experience, and exercising of professional judgment. While every ...
Mepilex Transfer Ag · Mepitel Ag · Next Science BlastX™ Antimicrobial Wound Gel · Opticell Ag+ Silver Antibacterial Gelling Fiber Wound Dressings · PICC/CVC ...
- Mepitel One has a stronger level than Mepitel - If used on mesh grafts ... Mepilex AG, - Same as Mepilex, but with a Silver component. - Soft silicone ...
Silicone sheets (Mepitel, Mepitel AG, Adaptic Touch). can be somewhat costly. can decrease pain and dressing change frequency. may remain intact while ...
Evidence-based topic on cellular and/or tissue products (also known as human skin equivalents, or skin substitutes) - clinical, coverage and reimbursement ...