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... See topic "Hazard Communication"
... Communication of hazards and training of workers; Recordkeeping, including a sharps injury log maintained by the employer; Protection of 
... The safety program provides guidance in order to ensure that the risks and hazards associated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy are identified and 
This topic covers management of pressure ulcers/injuries (PUs/PIs). For clinical guidelines and quality measures specific to PU/PI, see "Pressure Ulcers/ ...
... When discussing the risk and hazards associated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy physicians, nurses and technologist refer to the Fire Triangle
Potential hazards of HBOT; Sequence of treatment procedures and what to expect e.g., pressure, temperature, noises, and wound care; The HBO environment ...
Background. This topic illustrates safety program guidelines. For comprehensive information on safety in wound care and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, see topic " ...
... The topic also provides guidance and resources that will help you build an excellent hyperbaric safety program
... This topic elaborates on the role of a Hyperbaric Safety Director, including aspects related to designation, training/education and a sample 
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