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Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy facility equipment list EQUIPMENTQTY Sechrist – 3600 monoplace chamber 2 Cardiac monitor 2 Cardiac Monitor cable – Internal and ...
ITEM, QTY, LOCATION. Emergency Airway kit. 1. Hyperbaric Suite. Crash Cart. 1. Hyperbaric Suite. Portable Suction canister with 20 ft tubing/ yankauer.
Rationale: The HBO chamber and equipment are inspected/monitored/secured ... Monitor room temperatures within the HBO suite according to NFPA 99 guidelines ...
... Activate Hospital/Emergency Room code system – page the HBO physician STAT to the hyperbaric department; Note the time of occurrence; Confirm 
The goal of each inspection is to confirm that chamber maintenance procedures are in place to provide safe operations of all equipment during HBO therapy.
... If so, notify HBO physician to determine if HBO should be held
... Ensure adequate assistance, supplies, and equipment: Appropriate
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