27 results (0.16 seconds)  
Gradient compression stockings are a type of medical-grade stocking that can be used to help heal venous ulcer in patients with small, simple venous ulcers.
... Gradient compression stockings are a type of elastic compression device that can be used for patients with small, uncomplicated venous leg ulcer (VLU)
To decrease risk of ulcer recurrence in patients with a healed VLU we suggest compression therapy with gradient compression stockings at the highest pressure ...
... Gradient Compression Stockings for Patients with Venous Leg Ulcers". Oral, Systemic Pharmaceutical Agents. 2BFor patients with symptomatic chronic venous ...
... For more information about venous leg ulcers, contact your healthcare team
... Compression therapy is essential for patients with venous leg ulcer, lymphedema and other conditions
The gradient compression stockings above are only covered when the patient has an active venous ulcer that has been treated by a physician or other ...
Gradient compression stocking, UlcerCare, - 2 layers: 1 liner, 1 open toe ... compression therapy to treat venous leg ulcers. Application of UB is one of ...
Compression bandages, wraps and certain gradient compression stockings are covered by Medicare part B as long as used on patients with a venous stasis ulcer ( ...
Overall, compression bandages, wraps and certain gradient compression stockings are covered by Medicare part B as long as used on patients with an ulcer that ...
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