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As this topic focuses on coverage of gradient compression wraps for VLUs, for more information on compression therapy for lymphedema, refer to topic "Expanding ...
... This topic describes the role of gradient compression stocking, a subtype of compression therapy, in the management of venous leg ulcer (VLU)
Gradient Compression Wrap: Inelastic. Dynamic: Intermittent Pneumatic Compression. Evidence and Recommendations.
Compression bandages, wraps and certain gradient compression stockings are covered by Medicare part B as long as used on patients with a venous stasis ulcer ( ...
... Therapy usually starts with compression bandages or wraps and then transitions to gradient compression stockings once edema subsides and ulcer 
CODING, COVERAGE AND REIMBURSEMENTCoverageOverall, compression bandages, wraps and certain gradient compression stockings are covered by Medicare part B as ...
Gradient compression stockings are special elastic hosiery that healthcare professionals recommend to treat or prevent venous ulcer and other conditions.
Editors ; Gradient compression stocking, UlcerCare, - 2 layers: 1 liner, 1 open toe stocking with ziper. ; Compression bandage, short stretch (high stiffness)
... bandage pressure and gradient compression. See potential solutions for some of these scenarios in the section 'Practice Tips' in topic "Compression Therapy".
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