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This topic provides an evidence-based review and framework for assessment of acute burns, including epidemiology, risk factors, etiology, pathophysiology, ...
This topic provides a list of Guidelines, Quality Measures and other resources on Acute Burn Injuries. See topic "Acute Burns - Introduction and Assessment" for ...
For details on assessment of inhalation injury, see 'Assessment of Inhalation Injury' in topic "Acute Burns - Introduction and Assessment". Patients with ...
... acute burns (sun, heat, cold, etc). For late effects, secondary malignancy should always be considered when evaluating non-healing wounds that have been ...
... Acute Burns: for assessment, see section 'Infection Assessment' in topic "Acute Burns - Introduction and Assessment", for management, see 
... For assessment and management of acute burns see "Acute Burns - Introduction and Assessment" and "Acute Burns - Treatment"
Pressure ulcers (see topic " Pressure Ulcers/Injuries - Introduction and Assessment"); Trauma; Acute burns, frostbite (see topic " Acute Burns - Introduction ...
For introduction and assessment of radiation-induced cutaneous damage, see ... Emerging therapy for improving wound repair of severe radiation burns using local ...
Severe burn injury; In hemodynamically unstable or critically ill/critically injured individuals, when management of life-threatening conditions must take ...
... Pathophysiology of acute skin failure
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