145 results (0.14 seconds)  
The Physician Order Sets establish guidelines outlining the documentation required to support hyperbaric oxygen therapy in accordance with Medicare, Medicaid ...
... See physician orders templates in topic "HBO Physician Orders Overview"
... Orders should include the information below
The purpose of this topic is to provide practitioners of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBO) an in-depth summary of HBO indications and common HBO treatment ...
... See current fee schedule in topic "HCPCS/CPT Codes and Physician Fee Schedule Commonly Utilized in Wound Care and HBOT"
... The following links provide a list of all CGS medical review
... The hyperbaric physician(s) ordering HBOT will be notified of any patient not meeting the criteria established by the UHMS or CMS NCD 20
... Documentation must provide an adequate description of the medical problem requiring the use of hyperbaric oxygen
Physician Order - confirm daily HBO treatment order. Patient Assessment (by ... Concurrent review is recommended after 10 total treatments and third party review ...
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