See feature matrix with all types of Dressings
Allevyn* Adhesive Dressing
Mepilex Foam Dressing
Optifoam Gentle
Advazorb - Hydrophilic Foam Dressing
ALLEVYN Ag Gentle Border
Allevyn Gentle Border
Allevyn Gentle Border Lite
Allevyn Heel
Allevyn Life
Allevyn Non-Adhesive
Aquacel Foam
Aquacel Foam Pro
Askina® DresSil Border
Biatain Silicone Lite
Cutimed Cavity
Cutimed Siltec
Cutimed Siltec Sacrum
Dimora Hydrophilic Foam Dressing
Dimora Silicone Foam Dressing
Espuma Adhesive
Espuma Non-Adhesive
Espuma Sealed Edges Heel
Kendall AMD Antimicrobial
Mepilex Border Flex
Mepilex Border Flex Lite
Mepilex Border Flex With Border Film Backing
Mepilex Transfer
Mepilex® Border Flex
Mepilex® Border Heel
Mepilex® Border Sacrum
Mepilex® Lite
PermaFoam® Classic
Polymem Adhesive Cloth Adhesive Dressings
Polymem Shapes
PolyMem WIC® Cavity Filler
PolyMem® Non-Adhesive Dressings
Proximel Basic
Proximel Silicone
Suprasorb P Foam dressings
Suprasorb P PU Foam Dressing
Tegaderm High Performance Foam Adhesive Dressing
XTRASORB® Foam Adhesive and Non-Adhesive
* Wound Reference does not produce, market, re-sell or distribute health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients.