Hi Cristina
Yes, we have this resource to educate other clinicians on HBOT, which can be shared with the oral surgeon if you'd like.
Hope that helps!
Hi Cristina,
Jotting down Dr White and Jeff's thoughts - according to literature, it's fairly well established that HBOT does not affect the metastatic propensity of a known malignancy, recurrence rate of a previously healed malignancy nor does it seem to affect the vascularity pattern of a current malignancy. Dr Feldmeier (a radiology oncologist by training) published a great meta analysis on this subject. In addition, there has been more recent articles that have confirmed his findings. Here is a link to one of this publications:
As for current recommendation of HBOT in patients with any cancer, if patients are getting treated for cancer and the HBOT indication is an elective condition, one can consider delaying HBOT until completion of their cancer therapy, due to potentiation of radiation therapy and/or certain chemo drugs being contraindicated with hyperbarics.
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