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Prohibited Item Reminder

Prohibited Item Reminder

Prohibited Item Reminder

Wound dressings are commonly used inside hyperbaric chambers. They play an important role in infection control and patient outcome. Important safety concerns include production of heat, production of static electricity, production of flammable vapor, ignition temperature, and total fuel load. The NFPA 99, chapter 14 Hyperbaric Facilities – provides our guidance for safety and operational issues. Specifically, the process for effectively managing patients wound care dressing(s) and/ or product(s) during hyperbaric oxygen therapy.  NFPA 99 - states “Physician and safety director approval to use prohibited items shall be stated in writing for all prohibited materials employed”.[1]

When establishing policies, operational procedures or “GO-NO GO” lists, use language that provides clarity. There are three categories for items that require specific authorization when introduced or restricted for use into the hyperbaric chamber, our “GO – NO GO lists.  For the sole purpose of clarity we use the following:

  • GO – Items approved for use in a Monoplace Hyperbaric Chamber
  • RESTRICTED – Items that may be used with CAUTION in a Monoplace Hyperbaric Chamber.
  • STOP – DO NOT USE in a Monoplace hyperbaric chamber

As clinicians it is our responsibility to understand and educate our patients about prohibited items in the hyperbaric environment. The use of a Prohibited Items reminder can be helpful. See patient education topic and handout in English "Patient Education - Prohibited Item Reminder" and in Spanish "Educación al Paciente - Recordatorio Sobre Articulos Prohibidos".

In addition, hyperbaric facilities are required by NFPA 99 to post signage of prohibited items. The poster "Fire Safety Time Out" can be used to remind patients of items that are specifically prohibited by NFPA 99.


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  1. Technical Committee on Hyperbaric and Hypobaric Facilities (HEA-HYP), et al. Nfpa 99: Health Care Facilities Code Handbook . 2021;.
Topic 1112 Version 1.0


Hyperbaric Oxygen Approved, Restricted and Prohibited Items Examples, Risk Assessment Algorithm, and Prohibited Items Authorization Form

Frequently asked questions about which items are prohibited, restricted or allowed inside a hyberbaric chamber during hyperbaric oxygen therapy

The NFPA recommends that hyperbaric facilities utilize the NFPA Risk Assessment Algorithm for assessment of dressings and items that have not been evaluated or deemed safe for use in the hyperbaric chamber. However, several challenges (as described above) prevent widespread use of the NFPA Risk Assessment Algorithm. The Go No-Go Risk Assessment Tool combines the NFPA Risk Assessment Algorithm and the Burman Risk Scoring System. This combination of the two approaches and a user friendly digital interface provide the hyperbaric facility with a robust go/ no-go documentation and risk mitigation tool. This topic provides step-by-step instructions on how to conduct this risk assessment process.

OverviewBackground:  Safety is a priority at all times in the hyperbaric environment. Fire prevention is crucial to maintaining safety. Items that have potential to increase risk of fire via off-gassing, sparking, producing static, and/or generating heat when compressed are prohibited inside a hyperbaric chamber. Hyperbaric clinicians and patients should be educated on the prohibited item list. To comply with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) stan

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