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TeleVisit Tool 2.0 - Instructional Brochures and Videos

TeleVisit Tool 2.0 - Instructional Brochures and Videos

TeleVisit Tool 2.0 - Instructional Brochures and Videos

To access the TeleVisit Tool 2.0 Instructional Brochures and Videos, please sign up for a Free Basic Account or sign in

TeleVisit Tool 2.0 Video Call Edition (Free Basic Account) 

Creating and Editing Encounters, Patients and Requestors

  •  Download PDF: Creating and Editing Encounters, Patients and Requestors

TeleVisits Between Patient and Provider (Premium Edition) 

  •  Watch Video Tutorial: TeleVisits Between Patient and Provider (4:04) 
    • 0:14 — Step 1: Create Encounter 
    • 0:51 — Step 2: Video Call with Patient
    • 1:24 — Step 3: Document and Code Encounter
    • 2:26 — Step 4: Finalize Encounter and Transfer to EHR
    • 2:51 — Special Feature: Receive Images/Files Before Visit
    • 3:23 — Special Feature: Split Screen
  •  Download PDF:  TeleVisits Between Patient and Provider
  •  Reference "Patient Education: Tips for a Successful TeleVisit" to teach your patients how to check-in, submit images/files, and prepare for a TeleVisit
  •  Reference "Sample Workflows for TeleVisits Between Patient and Provider" for an overview of this workflow and relevant billing information

Wound Rounds: TeleVisits Between Patient and Provider, Facilitated by a Clinician (Premium Edition)

  •  Watch Video Tutorial: Wound Rounds: TeleVisits Between Patient and Provider, Facilitated by a Clinician (5:29) 
    • 0:18 — Step 1: Obtain Patient Schedule and Create Encounters
    • 1:33 — Step 2: Video Call with Facilitating Clinician
    • 2:46 — Step 3: Document and Code Encounter
    • 3:45 — Step 4: Finalize Encounter and Transfer to EHR
    • 4:16 — Special Feature: Receive Images/Files Before Visit
    • 4:42 — Special Feature: Split Screen
  • Download PDF: Wound Rounds: TeleVisits Between Patient and Provider, Facilitated by a Clinician
  •  Reference "Sample Workflows for TeleVisits Between Patient and Provider" for an overview of this workflow and relevant billing information

Store-and-Forward (Premium Edition)

  •  Watch Video Tutorial: Store-and-Forward  Remote Evaluation of Submitted Images (5:39)
    • 0:23 — Step 1: Set Up Specialist Finder Profile and Patient Portal
    • 1:30 — Step 2: Receive Request and Create Encounter
    • 2:51 — Step 3: Provide Recommendations
    • 4:47 — Step 4: Code Encounter and Transfer to EHR
  •  Download PDF: Store-and-Forward — Remote Evaluation of Submitted Images

Virtual Check-Ins (Premium Edition)

  •  
    Watch Video Tutorial: Virtual Check-Ins  Brief Communication Technology-Based Service (3:33)
    • 0:24 — Step 1: Set Up Patient Portal (OPTIONAL)
    • 1:05 — Step 2: Receive Request and Create Encounter
    • 1:47 — Step 3: Video Call with Patient
    • 2:20 — Step 4: Document and Code Encounter
    • 3:08 — Step 5: Finalize Encounter and Transfer to EHR
  •  Download PDF: Virtual Check-Ins — Brief Communication Technology-Based Service

eVisits (Premium Edition)

  •  Watch Video Tutorial: eVisits  Patient-Initiated Digital Assessment Using the Patient Portal (5:58)
    • 0:23 — Step 1: Set Up Specialist Finder Profile and Patient Portal
    • 1:28 — Step 2: Receive Request and Create Encounter
    • 2:48 — Step 3: Communicate and Assess via Secure Messaging 
    • 4:09 — Step 4: Provide Recommendations and Code Encounter
    • 5:17 — Step 5: Finalize Encounter and Transfer to EHR
  •  Download PDF: eVisits — Patient-Initiated Digital Assessment Using the Patient Portal

Interprofessional Internet Consultation: TeleVisits Between Providers (Premium Edition)

  •  Watch Video Tutorial: Interprofessional Internet Consultation: TeleVisits Between Providers (5:12)
    • 0:29 — Step 1: Receive Consultation Request
    • 1:09 — Step 2: Create Encounter and Send Intake Form
    • 1:58 — Step 3: Review Intake Form
    • 2:34 — Step 4: Video Call with Requestor (OPTIONAL)
    • 3:25 — Step 5: Provide Recommendations and Code Encounter 
    • 4:44 — Step 6: Finalize Encounter and Transfer to EHR
  •  Download PDF: Interprofessional Internet Consultation: TeleVisits Between Providers 
  •  Reference "Sample Workflows for TeleVisits Between Providers" to view an overview of this workflow for providers who do not share an EHR, or who share an EHR that does not use the same documentation templates as the TeleVisit Tool 2.0
  •  Reference "Sample Workflows for TeleVisits Between Providers (Telemedicine Solution Integrated with EHR Workflow)" to view an overview of this workflow for providers who share an EHR

TeleVisit Tool Patient Waiting Room Quick Tour

Click on the four arrows to expand the video full screen

Official reprint from WoundReference® woundreference.com ©2025 Wound Reference, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Use of WoundReference is subject to the Subscription and License Agreement. ​
NOTE: This is a controlled document. This document is not a substitute for proper training, experience, and exercising of professional judgment. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents, neither the authors nor the Wound Reference, Inc. give any guarantee as to the accuracy of the information contained in them nor accept any liability, with respect to loss, damage, injury or expense arising from any such errors or omissions in the contents of the work.
Topic 1519 Version 2.0


Telemedicine can be a plausible option to do more with less in wound care. The purpose of the first part of this playbook is to guide healthcare professionals in assessing the benefits telemedicine can bring to their practices.

CodeDescription99354-Prolonged E&M/psyctx serv outpat, 30-74min*Requestor code. Use in addition to 99452 for the time spent on the interprofessional tel/Internet/EMR discussion with consultant if the time exceeds 30 min covered by 99452.  Pat. is present in the office or other outpatient setting.*U

Telemedicine can be a plausible option to do more with less in wound care. This is the second installment of the Telemedicine/ Televisit Implementation Playbook. The first installment guides healthcare professionals in assessing the benefits telemedicine can bring to their practices. This topic provides a practical pathway for implementation of telemedicine solutions.

To access the Encounter Notes Instructional Brochure, please sign up for a Free Basic Account or sign in.Documenting your encounter with the Encounter Notes ModuleThe Encounter Notes Module can be used: To document your televisits or in-person encountersAs a patient portal, to securely ex

Telehealth has become an important tool in the management of chronic wounds. This topic explains the differences among telehealth modalities and their indications, provides evidence-based recommendations, and summarizes best practices and tips for telehealth in wound care.
