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Compression: Dynamic compression devices

Compression: Dynamic compression devices

Compression: Dynamic compression devices

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Topic 7 Version 1.0



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CODING, COVERAGE AND REIMBURSEMENTCoverageOverall, compression bandages, wraps and certain gradient compression stockings are covered by Medicare part B as long as used on patients with a venous stasis ulcer (VLU) that meet the requirements to be a qualified wound (surgically created or modified, or debrided). These items are only covered if used at the beneficiary'

Compression Wraps provide inelastic compression and have Velcro bands that allow them to be adjusted as limb swelling decreases. Have higher working and lower resting compression levels with low-stretch materials.

Background: Gradient compression stockings are a type of elastic compression device that can be used for patients with small, uncomplicated VLU who wish to self-care, who find bandages too hot or bulky.

3/3/2025 6:22:15 PM