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Elaine Horibe Song Elaine Horibe Song, MD, PhD, MBA | Created on Apr 16, 2019

The WoundReference Team published the study entitled "A New Mobile-responsive Solution to Increase Patient Adherence: Instant Personalized Product Handouts" on the journal Wounds: a Compendium of Clinical Research and Practice.



This study aims to develop a solution for clinicians to quickly generate customized product handouts with clinical, coverage, pricing, and supplier information for patients, with the goal of increasing patient adherence.


Using design thinking methodology, a digital solution was developed as a module within a clinical/reimbursement decision-support web application for wound care and hyperbaric clinicians. The module was tested at 4 wound clinics (beta-sites) located in the Midwest region of the United States following a 1-group posttest study design.


Ten clinicians at the 4 beta-sites completed a survey upon evaluation. All respondents indicated they would use the module daily or weekly. Most users (80%) indicated it met their needs very well (vs. moderately or not as much). Nurses who shared handouts with patients found 7 of 8 handouts were useful or very useful in increasing patient adherence to the plan of care.


A digital point-of-care solution that generates customized product handouts with clinical, coverage, pricing, and supplier information may significantly improve patient adherence while saving clinicians time.


The Instant Personalized Product Handouts Module is accessible across multiple devices (eg, desktop, mobile) and allows clinicians to generate more than 1000 different types of wound care product handouts with information extracted from WoundReference decision-support application database. Handouts can be printed at the point-of-care or sent via email to patients and caregivers. Frequently used handouts can be saved as favorites, saving clinicians time.

Accessing WoundReference Instant Personalized Product Handouts

Instantly generate product handouts for your patients with WoundReference Instant Personalized Product Handouts (Premium - see Plans)

Product Handouts can be accessed from multiple areas on WoundReference. One of them is the Product Navigator (Free - sign up for a Basic account).

  • Find products of interest.
  • After each product, you'll see an icon with a handout.
  • Click on the handout to generate a customized patient handout that allows you to enter a customized note, and displays product description, suppliers and pricing. 

About the Authors

Elaine Horibe Song, MD, PhD, MBA
Dr. Song is a Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of WoundReference, Inc., a clinical and reimbursement decision support & telemedicine platform for wound care and hyperbaric clinicians. With a medical, science and business background, Dr. Song previously served as medical director for a regenerative medicine-focused biotech company in California, and for a Joint Commission International-accredited hospital network. Dr. Song also served as a management consultant for Kaiser Permanente, practiced as a plastic surgeon in private practice and academia, and conducted bench and clinical research in wound healing, microsurgery and transplant immunology. Dr. Song holds a position as Affiliate Professor, Division of Plastic Surgery, Federal University of Sao Paulo, and is a volunteer Communication/Website Commitee, Association for the Advancement of Wound Care. She has authored more than 200 scientific publications, book chapters, software registrations and patents.
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