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Created on Sep 14, 2020

What's New in WoundReference? 

When patients and invited clinicians click on the link to the video call, they are directed to the TeleVisit Tool 2.0 waiting room, where they can watch brief videos on how to conduct a video call and securely submit files and photos to the consulting clinician.

Why is this relevant?

People absorb information in different ways. In addition to the link to written instructions that are sent to patients/ invited clinicians with every televisit invitation, we now have short videos in the waiting room that show participants how to conduct a video call, troubleshoot and submit files and photos through the waiting room.   

How does it work?

The first time an invited participant lands on the waiting room, the Quick Tour is launched automatically. Patients/ invited clinicians are in full control and can advance, pause or dismiss the Quick Tour at any time. After that, the Quick Tour can be initiated again by clicking on the button 'Quick Tour' in the section 'Tips & Troubleshooting'. 

How to get access?

This update is available to all users (Free Basic users and above). Contact us for a demo or training. Learn more about the new TeleVisit Tool 2.0, made for wound care clinicians, by wound care clinicians.

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