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Created on Jul 15, 2020


WoundReference presents three posters at the 2020 SAWC Virtual Conference. The posters feature two of WoundReference's innovative tools: Dressing Change Brochure Editor and TeleVisit Tool. 

Implementation of synchronous/asynchronous interprofessional internet consultations in a U.S. hospital-based wound clinic, leveraging a wound-care specific telemedicine solution*

  • Authors: Elaine H. Song MD PhD MBA, Catherine T. Milne APRN MSN CWOCN-AP, Kye Evans DO FACEP, Scott Robinson MD, Tiffany Hamm BSN RN ACHRN CWS, Jeff Mize RRT CHT CWCA, Lauren Meyers MBA, Samantha Kuplicki MSN APRN-CNS AGCNS-BC CWS CWCN-AP RNFA, Kathryn Whiston-Lemm ACNP CWON COCN-AP, Nataliya Lebendiskaya RN BSN CWOCN
  • Key message: Interprofessional internet consultations were implemented at a hospital based wound clinic, leveraging an easy-to-use, wound care-specific telemedicine software. Besides improving patient satisfaction, interprofessional internet consultations may increase revenue through additional reimbursable services and more accurate ICD-coding.
  • Related articles: "What is new in 2019 for Telehealth and Telemedicine?",  "Reimbursement for Telemedicine Services in Wound Care", TeleVisit Tool features

Roadmap for implementation of team-based interprofessional and telemedicine-based wound care management in post-acute settings

  • Authors: Catherine T. Milne APRN MSN CWOCN-AP, Elaine H. Song MD PhD MBA, Scott Robinson MD, Kye Evans DO FACEP, Tiffany Hamm BSN RN ACHRN CWS, Jeff Mize RRT CHT CWCA, Lauren Meyers MBA, Julie Lientz, MSN, MBA, RN, WCC, CWON
  • Key message: A roadmap for implementation of team-based interprofessional and telemedicine-based wound care management in post-acute settings was developed, leveraging a wound care-specific telemedicine software. Anticipated benefits include better clinical outcomes (i.e., timely diagnosis/management) and increased revenue (i.e. reduced hospitalizations/accurate ICD-10 coding)
  • Related articles: "What is new in 2019 for Telehealth and Telemedicine?",  "Reimbursement for Telemedicine Services in Wound Care", TeleVisit Tool features

Point-of-Care Digital Innovation for Wound Self-Care Patient Education: Instant Personalized Dressing Brochure Tool

Award: 1st Place Practice Innovations Category 

For the Poster "Roadmap for implementation of team-based interprofessional and telemedicine-based wound care management in post-acute settings"

The WoundReference Team is honored to receive this prestigious Award!

 Thank you, SAWC Abstract Selection Committee!

About the Authors

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