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ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Codes

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Codes

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Codes

The information on this page was retrieved from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website.[1] For a list of ICD-10 codes commonly used in wound care, see topic "Wound Care ICD-10 Codes for 2024".


  • ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting - FY 2025


The table below contain the 2025 code lists in their entirety

  • ICD-10-CM - Tabular List of Diseases and Injuries
  • ICD-10-CM - Index to Diseases and Injuries 
  • ICD-10-CM - Table of Neoplasms
  • ICD-10-CM - Table of Drugs and Chemicals


The tables below show updates for 2025

  • ICD-10-CM - Tabular List of Diseases and Injuries - Addendum
  • ICD-10-CM - Index to Diseases and Injuries - Addendum
  • ICD-10-CM - Table of Neoplasms - Addendum
  • ICD-10-CM - Table of Drugs and Chemicals - Addendum

Official reprint from WoundReference® woundreference.com ©2025 Wound Reference, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Use of WoundReference is subject to the Subscription and License Agreement. ​
NOTE: This is a controlled document. This document is not a substitute for proper training, experience, and exercising of professional judgment. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents, neither the authors nor the Wound Reference, Inc. give any guarantee as to the accuracy of the information contained in them nor accept any liability, with respect to loss, damage, injury or expense arising from any such errors or omissions in the contents of the work.


  1. CMS. 2023 ICD-10-CM . 2022;.
Topic 1584 Version 3.0


Instructions: 1. Click on the header of each column to sort (e.g., click on "Description" to sort by ICD-10 description in alphabetical order), or use the "search" field to find a specific state. Regulations change constantly so readers may want to check with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) most current information.  Source: CMS 

Instructions: 1. Click on the header of each column to sort (e.g., click on "Description" to sort by ICD-10 description in alphabetical order), or use the "search" field to find a specific state. Regulations change constantly so readers may want to check with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) most current information.  Source: CMS 

Instructions: 1. Click on the header of each column to sort (e.g., click on "Description" to sort by ICD-10 description in alphabetical order), or use the "search" field to find a specific state. Regulations change constantly so readers may want to check with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) most current information.  Source: CMS 

Instructions: 1. Click on the header of each column to sort (e.g., click on "Description" to sort by ICD-10 description in alphabetical order), or use the "search" field to find a specific state. Regulations change constantly so readers may want to check with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) most current information.  Source: CMS 

Instructions: 1. Click on the header of each column to sort (e.g., click on "Description" to sort by ICD-10 description in alphabetical order), or use the "search" field to find a specific state. Regulations change constantly so readers may want to check with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) most current information.  Source: CMS 

Instructions: 1. Click on the header of each column to sort (e.g., click on "Description" to sort by ICD-10 description in alphabetical order), or use the "search" field to find a specific state. Regulations change constantly so readers may want to check with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) most current information.  Source: CMS 

3/1/2025 6:31:00 PM