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RELATED TOPICS. Protectors · Wheelchair Seat Cushions. Files (0). All, Figure, Table, Algorithm, Checklist, Handout. Premium Content. For full access to this ...
Positioning cushion/ pillow/ wedge · Protectors · Wheelchair Seat Cushions. Files (0). All, Figure, Table, Algorithm, Checklist, Handout. Premium Content. For ...
Coverage: Medicare covers adjustable skin protection seat cushions (HCPCS E2622, E2623) for patients with a wheelchair and current or past history of PU/PI ...
Use cushions filled with material firm enough to support the patient in ... Local Coverage Determination (LCD): Wheelchair Seating (L33312) . 2015 ...
Use supportive equipment: special mattresses/wheelchair cushions can help treat and prevent injury. Consult a wound specialist: Stage 2-4 ulcers may require ...
Pressure redistribution/offloading devices in use (bed, chair, wheelchair, cushions - type, manufacturer, date purchased). Physical Therapy/ Occupational ...
... wheelchair. If the patient is on a wheelchair, note if the patient properly positioned, and the type of cushion. Note if the dressings effectively absorb ...