28 results (0.11 seconds)  
Background: Gradient compression stockings are a type of elastic compression device that can be used for patients with small, uncomplicated VLU who wish to self ...
In general, compression devices for treatment of VLU can be classified as static or dynamic: Static: Compression bandages and gradient compression stockings are ...
... This topic describes the role of gradient compression stocking, a subtype of compression therapy, in the management of venous leg ulcer (VLU)
... As this topic focuses on coverage of gradient compression wraps for VLUs, for more information on compression therapy for lymphedema, refer to 
Compression: Dynamic compression devices · Compression: Tubular Dressings. CODING, COVERAGE AND REIMBURSEMENTCoverageOverall, compression bandages, wraps and ...
Compression: Dynamic compression devices · Compression: Compression Bandages ... Background: Gradient compression stockings are a type of elastic compression ...
See topic "Venous ulcers - Introduction and Assessment". 5. Skin changes associated with treatment of lymphedema. Nonhealing surgical wounds; Compression ...
See section on 'Algorithms' in topic "How to Select Adequate Compression Therapy Pressure Levels and Products". See types and brands of noninvasive arterial ...
Single use, disposable devices are recent additions to the different types of devices currently used. ... Compression bandages and/or garments have been ...
Compression therapy (e.g, Unna's boot for legs, Viscopaste/ Kerlix wrap for ... Recently, devices have been approved by the FDA for preparation of ...
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