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Medical Director Guidelines

Medical Director Guidelines

Medical Director Guidelines


The Medical Director is responsible for the quality of hyperbaric services provided and is accountable to the medical staff and hospital administration for the activities of the hyperbaric center.  In addition, it is the responsibility of the Medical Director to ensure the hyperbaric medicine service has appropriate medical coverage from a licensed provider who has received hyperbaric training and is credentialed by the hospital. The medical director is a key individual in a hyperbaric medicine service. Not only important for staffing and day-to-day function, but the medical director also has an important role in the clinic and patient sa


Staffing ratios are dependent on patient volume(s), which can range from one to four patients at one time receiving care. One-to-three clinical staff works in the department during scheduled weekday treatments. One nurse and one physician remain on-call for 24-hour coverage. A hyperbaric physician and hyperbaric nurse or CHT will be available at all times by telephone and/or pager. The hospital operator, ED, or other appropriate coordinating resource, will maintain the necessary contact information. The best way to ensure contacting the appropriate staff after hours is to maintain a call calendar.


The Medical Director through collaboration with the Program Director (Nurse Manager) and the Hyperbaric Safety Director will establish staffing ratios that ensure the provision of optimal patient care that is delivered in a safe and timely manner.

Staffing ratios are dependent on patient volume(s), which can range from one to four patients simultaneously. A one-to-three clinical staff model works in the department during scheduled weekday treatments.  The Medical Director will be responsible for the scheduling of hyperbaric physician coverage.  The Program Director (Nurse Manager) will be responsible for scheduling qualified staff during all patient treatments.

The common Hyperbaric Medicine Team model includes:

  1. A Physician Medical Director
  2. Other Physicians Trained and Credentialed in Hyperbaric Medicine
  3. A Program Director
  4. Full and Part-Time Nurses and Technologists


An institutionally credentialed hyperbaric physician will evaluate every patient who is referred to the Hyperbaric Medicine Service. Recommendations for hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) will be put into the medical record and provided to the referring physician. Where HBOT is considered appropriate, a treatment regimen will be developed, consistent with the Hyperbaric Treatment Protocol Guidelines. Unless directed otherwise, patients will remain under the care of their primary/referring physician(s) throughout the course of HBOT.


Medical Director Job Description

Physician Credentialing Guidelines

Physician Credentialing Privilege List

Physician Training Guidelines


This policy shall be reviewed and, if necessary, revised at least every year.

Policy Effective Date:

Reviewed Date:

Revised Date:

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NOTE: This is a controlled document. This document is not a substitute for proper training, experience, and exercising of professional judgment. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents, neither the authors nor the Wound Reference, Inc. give any guarantee as to the accuracy of the information contained in them nor accept any liability, with respect to loss, damage, injury or expense arising from any such errors or omissions in the contents of the work.
Topic 566 Version 2.0


Physicians engaged in the practice of hyperbaric medicine range across the entire spectrum of clinical specialties. This practical topic describes the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS)' position on eligibility, training, credentialing and continuing medical education for physicians who engage in the practice of hyperbaric medicine

This form lists physician credentialing privileges in hyperbaric medicine and can be used as an evaluation form

Guidelines for physician training in hyperbaric medicine


Hyperbaric Medical Director Job Summary

INTRODUCTIONIt is crucial that nurse practitioners have a clear understanding of how their state laws and regulations impact their scope of practice. Nurse practitioners fall under the following scopes of practice environments: Depending on the state in which they practice, they may be able to work independently, with a reduced practice, or with a restricted practice. The difference between "reduced" and "restricted practice is the amount of oversight that is nee

BackgroundQualified Healthcare Professionals engaged in the practice of hyperbaric medicine range across the entire spectrum of clinical specialties.  The practice of hyperbaric medicine involves the delivery of 100% oxygen at pressures above normal atmospheric conditions. This is achieved by the use of a pressurized (hyperbaric) chamber. Chambers are designed to accommodate a single patient (monoplace) or several patients simultaneously (multiplace).Hyperbaric Oxygen thera

INTRODUCTIONOverviewThe following hyperbaric medicine treatment protocol is based upon the recommendations of the Hyperbaric Oxygen Committee of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society. Clinical protocols and/or practice guidelines are systematically developed statements that help physicians, other practitioners, case managers and clients make decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances.  

3/3/2025 9:30:26 AM