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Routine Inspection- Chamber Cylindrical Window Blemish

Routine Inspection- Chamber Cylindrical Window Blemish

Routine Inspection- Chamber Cylindrical Window Blemish

The requirements and safety guidelines for design and fabrication of Pressure Vessel for Human Occupancy (PVHO) windows is given by the ASME Association of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) PVHO-1 standard.  This Standard provides technical criteria for the user to establish the serviceability of a PVHO acrylic window under its specific environmental service conditions. Windows in protected environments as well as those in severe environments are addressed. Judicious use of this Standard will allow the user and/or the jurisdictional authority to determine when a PVHO acrylic window requires replacement.  The ASME/PVHO-2 Standard limits the maximum useful life of acrylic cylinders to 20 years or 20,000 cycles as there is no data to support the safety of the acrylic cylinders after this time.[1]

Each day prior to and following the delivery of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, the following inspections should be performed. The inspections should be performed and documented with the corresponding chamber serial number. Chamber cylindrical window blemish inspections are conducted to ensure the safe function of the chamber during hyperbaric oxygen  therapy.

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  1. Sechrist Industries. Sechrist Industries Monoplace Hyperbaric Chamber Users Manual .;.
Topic 1121 Version 1.0


Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber daily inspection rationale and template.

Monthly hyperbaric chamber rationale and template.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy pre and post treatment checklist templates.

Hyperbaric chamber monthly - chamber rate verification template. The Pressure Rate Set Control sets the rate of compression or decompression inside the Chamber.  All pressure change rates are linear. The numbers “1” through “5” indicate the approximate pressure change rate in pounds per square inch (psi) per minute (i.e., “3” equals 3.0 psi per minute change).

Hyperbaric oxygen chamber semi-annual inspection rate verification form

3/1/2025 8:27:23 PM