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Compression Brands Quick Reference

Compression Brands Quick Reference

Compression Brands Quick Reference

Instructions: 1. Select number of entries (rows) to be displayed on the table. 2. Click on the header of each column to sort (e.g., click on "Product Name" to sort by product names in alphabetical order), or use the "search" field to find a specific productStandard compression: 30-40 mmHg resting pressure; modified compression: low resting pressure, i.e., 20-30 mmHg. Both standard and modified levels measured at the ankle level, applied with high stiffness device. Source: manufacturers websites and practice tips. This table is constantly being updated, and new products may be added or deleted without notice.

Compression type Product Name Description/ comments Standard or Modified Pressure How supplied
Compression bandage, multicomponent (high stiffness) Profore - 4 layers (components) and a wound contact layer. Layer #1: natural padding bandage,  layer#2 light conformable dressing, layer#3: light compression bandage, layer#4 flexible cohesive bandage Standard (30-40 mmHg) 10 cm x 2.5 m
Compression bandage, multicomponent (high stiffness)
Profore Lite - 3 layers for ABI>0.6. Profore 4 layers without the 3rd layer. Layer #1: natural padding bandage,  layer#2 light conformable dressing,  layer#3 flexible cohesive bandage Modified (20-30 mmHg) 10cm wide x 2.5 m
Compression bandage, multicomponent (high stiffness)
SurePress - 2 layer, reusable, elastic, long-stretch. Compression layer can be reused up to 20 times Standard (30-40 mmHg) Compression wrap: 10cm x 3m, absorbent padding: 10cm x 3m
Compression bandage, short stretch (high stiffness)
Coban 2 - 2 layers for ABI>0.8. Layer#1: latex free foam padding, layer #2 cohesive bandage Standard (35-40 mmHg) Layer#1: 4 in x 2.9 yd (10 cm x 2,7 m) or 4 in x 3.8 yd (10 cm x 3,5 m), layer#2: 4 in x 5.1 yd (10 cm x 4,7 m) Stretched or 4 in x 6.3 yd (10 cm x 5,8 m) Stretched
Compression bandage, short stretch (high stiffness)
Coban 2 Lite - 2 layers for ABI>0.5. Layer#1: latex free foam padding, layer #2 cohesive bandage
Modified (25-30 mmHg) Layer#1: 4 in x 2.9 yd (10 cm x 2,7 m), layer#2: 4 in x 5.1 yd (10 cm x 4,7 m) Stretched
Compression bandage, short stretch (high stiffness)
- 2 layer, reusable. Layer#1: padding layer, layer#2: reusable compression bandage
Standard (30-40 mmHg)
5m X 6cm (2.5" x 5 yds), 5m X 8cm (3.1" x 5.5 yds), 5m X 10cm (3.9" x 5.5 yds),5m X 12cm (4.7" x 5.5 yds)
Tubular dressing Tubigrip - Elasticated multi-purpose tubular bandage. Low, low-medium, medium and high compression can be obtained, depending on sizing and number of layers. Prior to first application, complete patient and lower limb assessment needs to be done, but ABI may not be required Low modified (10 mmHg) - use sizing for LIGHT compression Size B for calf size of 10–12.5cm/3.9–4.9˝; C: 13.5–15cm/5.3–5.9˝; D: 15–24.5cm/5.9–9.6˝; E: 24.5–35.5cm/9.6–14˝ 3; F: 35.5–45cm/14–17.7˝; G: 45–50.4cm/17.7–19.8˝ 5; J: 60.7–70.3cm/23.9–27.7˝; K: 70.3–75.5cm/27.7–29.7˝
Compression bandage, non-stretch (high stiffness) McKesson Unna Boot - Bandage impregnated with a non-hardening paste of zinc oxide, with or without calamine. Cover with cast padding and a gauze bandage for an Unna boot. Low modified (10-20 mmHg) 4 x 10 yd
Gradient compression stocking UlcerCare - 2 layers: 1 liner, 1 open toe stocking with ziper.  Standard (30-40 mmHg) S,M,L,XL
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Topic 955 Version 1.0


Compression therapy is essential for patients with venous leg ulcer, lymphedema and other conditions. This topic provides algorithms that illustrate how audible handheld Doppler ultrasound/ waveform analysis or ankle-brachial index can be utilized to determine appropriate pressure levels and types of compression across different clinical scenarios.

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