Yassi A, McGill ML, Khokhar JB, et al.
American journal of infection control. Date of publication 1995 Apr 1;volume 23(2):57-64.
1. Am J Infect Control. 1995 Apr;23(2):57-64. doi: 10.1016/0196-6553(95)90095-0.
Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a needleless intravenous access system.
Yassi A(1), McGill ML, Khokhar JB.
Author information:
(1)Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Health Sciences
Center, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
BACKGROUND: Needlestick injury has been identified as a major cause of exposure
to blood and body fluids. The heparin-lock intermittent intravenous procedure
was implicated in the largest number of needlestick-related exposures (26%) at
this 1100-bed tertiary care hospital, and replacement of this system was
imperative. Cost concerns, however, necessitated that replacement products not
increase overall hospital costs.
METHODS: A needleless intravenous access system (Interlink i.v. Access System;
Baxter Healthcare Corp., Parenterals Division, Deerfield, Ill.) was introduced.
Effectiveness and cost-benefit of this system were analyzed by comparing
needlestick injuries and their associated costs, as well as costs of relevant
products and procedures, for the year before introduction of the new product
with those for 1 year after implementation of the new system.
RESULTS: During the study period, the needleless access system was 78.7%
effective in reducing intravenous line-related needlestick injuries. There was
an overall reduction of 43.4% in total needlestick injuries from all procedures
and events. The incremental cost to this hospital ranged from a 5.3% additional
cost to a 5.7% savings, without even considering the less quantifiable benefits
associated with avoidance of needlestick injury, time saved by using this
product, and decreased infection rate.
CONCLUSION: When used as intended, this system was extremely effective in
reducing intravenous line-related needlestick injuries, and the system does pay
for itself.
DOI: 10.1016/0196-6553(95)90095-0
PMID: 7639404 [Indexed for MEDLINE]