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Vanzi V, Toma E, et al.
Nursing older people. Date of publication 2018 Mar 23;volume 30(3):26-31.
1. Nurs Older People. 2018 Mar 23;30(3):26-31. doi: 10.7748/nop.2018.e1022. Recognising and managing age-related dermatoporosis and skin tears. Vanzi V(1), Toma E(2). Author information: (1)Wound care, Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Rome, Italy. (2)Wound care, independent tissue viability consultant, Rome, Italy. Dermatoporosis is a chronic skin fragility syndrome, caused by age and environmental factors. People with dermatoporosis have skin whose protective mechanical function is reduced and which has a decreased tolerance for friction and shearing forces. Skin tears are another clinical consequence of age-associated skin vulnerability and people with dermatoporosis are at increased risk of skin tears. Dermatoporosis may also delay the healing of skin tears, making it vital that healthcare professionals are aware of this condition. Skin tears have profound effects on the health and well-being of older people, and these kinds of injuries are being seen more frequently in clinical practice as the average age of the population increases. The treatment of skin tears in three older people with dermatoporosis is discussed and the clinical decisions made in each case. ©2018 RCN Publishing Company Ltd. All rights reserved. Not to be copied, transmitted or recorded in any way, in whole or part, without prior permission of the publishers. DOI: 10.7748/nop.2018.e1022 PMID: 29569862 [Indexed for MEDLINE] Conflict of interest statement: None declared
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