Silva MH, Jesus MC, Oliveira DM, Merighi MA, et al.
Revista brasileira de enfermagem. Date of publication 2017 Apr 1;volume 70(2):349-356.
1. Rev Bras Enferm. 2017 Apr;70(2):349-356. doi: 10.1590/0034-7167-2016-0219.
Unna's boot: experience of care of people with venous ulcers.
[Article in English, Portuguese]
Silva MH(1), Jesus MC(1), Oliveira DM(1), Merighi MA(1).
Author information:
(1)Postgraduate Program in Nursing, School of Nursing, Universidade de São Paulo,
São Paulo, Brazil.
OBJECTIVE: to understand the experience of care of people with venous ulcers
using an Unna's boot.
METHOD: a qualitative study, based on the social phenomenology by Alfred Schütz,
was carried out with 12 adults interviewed in 2015. The statements were analyzed
and organized in thematic categories.
RESULTS: the following categories emerged: "Unna's boot annoyance versus wound
improvement", "Difficulties for accessing care with the Unna's boot", "Care for
healing and preventing recurrence", and "Receiving more attention from the
healthcare professional".
CONCLUSION: the experience of care of people using an Unna's boot revealed the
annoyance caused by this device, which was overcome due to the wound improvement.
However, access to care was compromised by the lack of structure at the service,
frustrating the patients' expectations regarding wound healing. The issues of
these people's intersubjective universe should be considered in the management of
care of venous ulcers.
DOI: 10.1590/0034-7167-2016-0219
PMID: 28403284 [Indexed for MEDLINE]