Yimer M, Hailu T, Mulu W, Abera B, et al.
Journal of vector borne diseases. Date of publication 2015 Jun 1;volume 52(2):111-5.
1. J Vector Borne Dis. 2015 Jun;52(2):111-5.
Epidemiology of elephantiasis with special emphasis on podoconiosis in Ethiopia:
A literature review.
Yimer M(1), Hailu T, Mulu W, Abera B.
Author information:
(1)Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology, College of Medicine
and Health Science, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia.
Elephantiasis is a symptom of a variety of diseases that is characterized by the
thickening of the skin and underlying tissues, especially in the legs, male
genitals and female breasts. Some conditions having this symptom include:
Elephantiasis nostras, due to longstanding chronic lymphangitis; Elephantiasis
tropica or lymphatic filariasis, caused by a number of parasitic worms,
particularly Wuchereria bancrofti; non-filarial elephantiasis or podoconiosis, an
immune disease caused by heavy metals affecting the lymph vessels; proteus
syndrome, the genetic disorder of the so-called Elephant Man, etc. Podoconiosis
is a type of lower limb tropical elephantiasis distinct from lymphatic
filariasis. Lymphatic filariasis affects all population at risk, whereas
podoconiosis predominantly affects barefoot subsistence farmers in areas with red
volcanic soil. Ethiopia is one of the countries with the highest number of
podoconiosis patients since many people are at risk to red-clay soil exposure in
many parts of the country. The aim of this review was to know the current status
and impact of podoconiosis and its relevance to elephantiasis in Ethiopia. To
know the epidemiology and disease burden, the literatures published by different
scholars were systematically reviewed. The distribution of the disease and
knowledge about filarial elephantiasis and podoconiosis are not well known in
Ethiopia. It is relatively well studied in southern Ethiopia but data from other
parts of the country are limited. Moreover, programmes that focus on diagnosis,
treatment, prevention and control of filarial elephantiasis and podoconiosis are
also non-existent even in endemic areas. Furthermore, the disease mapping has not
been carried out country-wide. Therefore, in order to address these gaps,
Ethiopian Ministry of Health needs to take initiative for undertaking concrete
research and mapping of the disease in collaboration with stakeholders.
PMID: 26119541 [Indexed for MEDLINE]