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Eglseer D, Hödl M, Lohrmann C, et al.
International wound journal. Date of publication 2018 Nov 15;volume ():.
1. Int Wound J. 2018 Nov 15. doi: 10.1111/iwj.13016. [Epub ahead of print] Nutritional management of older hospitalised patients with pressure injuries. Eglseer D(1), Hödl M(1), Lohrmann C(1). Author information: (1)Institute of Nursing Science, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria. This cross-sectional, multicentre study was conducted in hospitals to investigate nutritional interventions conducted in patients aged 70 years or older with (risk of) pressure injuries. A total of 1412 patients from 33 hospitals with 208 wards participated in the study. A standardised questionnaire was used to collect demographic data and data on care dependency, malnutrition risk, risk for/prevalence of pressure injuries, and nutritional interventions. Data analyses were conducted by using descriptive statistics, chi-square tests, or independent t-tests. According to the Braden Scale, 678 (48.0%) of the patients were at risk of developing pressure injuries, and 71 patients (5.0%) had at least one pressure injury (assessed by skin inspection). The most frequently conducted nutritional interventions in patients with pressure injuries were providing support during mealtimes (50.7%), food specifically desired by the patient (40.8%), and conducting a malnutrition screening (39.4%). One quarter of the patients with pressure injuries were referred to a dietitian. The provision of an energy-enriched/protein-enriched diet (18.3%), energy-enriched/protein-enriched snacks (12.7%), or oral nutritional supplements (8.5%) was rare. Nutritional care in older patients with risk of pressure injuries is suboptimal. Health care professionals need to raise awareness regarding the importance of nutrition in the management of patients with pressure injuries. © 2018 The Authors. International Wound Journal published by Medicalhelplines.com Inc and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. DOI: 10.1111/iwj.13016 PMID: 30440105
Appears in following Topics:
Pressure Ulcers/Injuries - Treatment