Fredman R, Wise I, Friedman T, Heller L, Karni T, et al.
Undersea & hyperbaric medicine : journal of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, In.... Date of publication 2014 Mar 1;volume 41(2):145-7.
1. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2014 Mar-Apr;41(2):145-7.
Skin-sparing mastectomy flap ischemia salvage using urgent hyperbaric chamber
oxygen therapy: a case report.
Fredman R, Wise I, Friedman T, Heller L, Karni T.
Since its introduction in 1991, skin-sparing mastectomy has emerged as an
acceptable surgical technique in the management of breast cancer patients,
providing optimal oncological safety and efficacy with favorable aesthetic
results. Rates of native skin flap ischemia and necrosis after skin-sparing
mastectomy are 2%-30% and result in a decreased aesthetic outcome and delay of
necessary adjuvant treatment. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been advocated for
the management of various compromised flaps, and when instituted immediately
postoperatively, may prevent progression of ischemia into necrosis. We report the
case of a 41-year-old female who developed skin flap ischemia after undergoing
skin-sparing mastectomy and was immediately treated with hyperbaric oxygen. The
patient received a total of five hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions, achieving
full resolution of the ischemia without any complications. Further research is
essential to determine the role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in managing skin
flap ischemia post skin-sparing mastectomy. Until such studies exist, hyperbaric
oxygen therapy may be considered a preferred option in the management of native
skin flap ischemia after skin-sparing mastectomy.
PMID: 24851552 [Indexed for MEDLINE]