HydroClean Advance is a hydroactive wound dressing
INTENDED USES: HydroClean advance is suitable for wet/moist treatment of wounds. The dressing should be used by healthcare professionals or laypersons trained by healthcare professionals. HydroClean advance is indicated for the wet management of dry, light and moderately exuding wounds, in particular of wounds with impaired healing tendency. The product is especially suitable for the treatment of chronic and poorly healing wounds during the cleansing and granulation stage. HydroClean advance can also be used for the treatment of infected wounds. HydroClean advance can
furthermore be used to reactivate stagnating healing processes if these are caused by excessive MMP activity.
CLAIMED BENEFITS: Facilitates autolytic debridement. Pain relief for your patients. Exudate management. Cost effective
If you have Medicare Part B coverage, you can purchase this product at a store that accepts Medicare. You need a written order prescribed by a physician enrolled in Medicare. You will need to pay deductibles and/or co-payment. The actual copayment amount can vary by your state. The table below illustrates the highest (ceiling) and lowest (floor) expected co-payment across the country.
If your insurance does not cover this product, you can purchase it directly from any store. A list of online stores and prices is provided below for your convenience. For updated prices, find it on the internet at https://woundreference.com/app/product?id=3551
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